That just about describes it!!
I LOL’d!
I had no idea that hillary could be any scarrier. I stand corrected.
fuck you, ATZ.
there are still 4 candidates.
Ron Paul will be there on the floor of the convention.
he wont win, but he is still in the race.
in b4 some idiot who says he doesnt matter because he won’t win (ONLY 1 CANDIDATE WILL WIN)
nate, I think you also forgot about Mike Gravel.
and you also forgot about all the 3rd party candidates.
volsfan, Gravel dropped out in March
which 3rd party candidates would that be, reboot?
Neither have had their conventions yet, but I’m sure the Green Party and the Libertarian Party will field Presidential candidates in November. Since they’ll actually be on the ballot , I would say that gives them better odds than Ron Paul.
Not quite nate, he’s still in the running, just not as a democrat.
Nyuck nyuck nyuck.
Wiseguy eyh?
That just about describes it!!
I LOL’d!
I had no idea that hillary could be any scarrier. I stand corrected.
fuck you, ATZ.
there are still 4 candidates.
Ron Paul will be there on the floor of the convention.
he wont win, but he is still in the race.
in b4 some idiot who says he doesnt matter because he won’t win (ONLY 1 CANDIDATE WILL WIN)
I think you also forgot about Mike Gravel.
and you also forgot about all the 3rd party candidates.
volsfan, Gravel dropped out in March
which 3rd party candidates would that be, reboot?
Neither have had their conventions yet, but I’m sure the Green Party and the Libertarian Party will field Presidential candidates in November. Since they’ll actually be on the ballot , I would say that gives them better odds than Ron Paul.
Not quite nate, he’s still in the running, just not as a democrat.
Nyuck nyuck nyuck.
Wiseguy eyh?