inspired by someone’s submission, I’m seeking posts for the next theme day (5/1/08).  I need 47 pictures of you. Pictures of the users of MCS. if there’s at least 30, I’ll post some of my own 😉
inspired by someone’s submission, I’m seeking posts for the next theme day (5/1/08).  I need 47 pictures of you. Pictures of the users of MCS. if there’s at least 30, I’ll post some of my own 😉
And get flamed into next month? No wai.
I’ve already got three people. all I need is 44 more!
Well damnit, I wish I had the courage but I’ve made the mistake of letting Fark see what I look like. Never again.
Why only 47? Surely there are more than 47 MCS-ers.
How about future MCSers? As in, offspring? If so…
perhaps if you had used the submissions page….
47 is the limit, cause I have 1 or 2 already, and theme days only get 48 posts 😉
alll right…
“perhaps if you had used the submissions page….”
yikes! Rules, damn rules, and statistics :p
Is this is about magnus accidentally linking a picture of my receding hairline the other day?
I was going to get President-Style pictures taken specifically for internet/myspace/facebook ect. If you guys can wait, I’ll have the most professional ass pics EVAR.
I am going to. I tried with my phone, it was over 500 pixals in width, didn’t like it though. I’ll try and get the 35mm pics developed before then and send that one…
It was totally me who made him think of it.
I’m sad that none of my pictures got posted yet. I submitted at least 40. About 3 of them were Jack Daniels, too. Maybe tiki is stockpiling.
i submitted
mmmmmmm baby burrito
fuck it… i am game. this is no worse than myspace. i just always feel old when i do this.
ok i’m in, i just have to look for the my spaceciest pic i can find (i don’t have many) or just a shopped one.
I’m in.
LordOpie: Lets hope your offspring has more sense than you and posts on a good site like Fark or Something Awful……..
I keed! I keed!
BTW: I’m in. Say what you will jackels!
I only approve of this theme if you only get submissions from our female userbase.
I’d probably be setting myself up for fail considering the comments people tend to make about female images posted here, but what’s to be afraid of? It’s only teh internets.
Eh, what harm can it do?
tits or gtfo
I posted! 😀
Urrbudy luvs me. I so fly.
I actually hope it turns out well. A nice cross-section of humanity.
Submitted ! \o/
mine is submited
I’m in… just let me submit
I submitted a fun one.
yeah, there’s a tonne of them submitted already. yay!
I bet I am the prettiest.
There are no known photos of me. Or at least none that I know of.
hmmm…perhaps. I think the number of women in this internet may surprise…
I keep trying to submit, but it won’t allow me to. “bad data submitted, go back, reload and try again”.
Ditto on the submission error.
I’m getting the same 🙁
Likewise on the error.
yeah, I tried – a couple times.
can’t submit, form’s borked, you don’t get to see me.
Yeah, I had no idea about the error happening, sorry about that, it’s all fixed now and ready for you. There’s about 30 of them in there all ready, so only room for a few more!
Just submitted :3
Haw, I haz bukkits
Mine is sent off!
Reporting for duty.