Rockband Drums



These things are killing me ya’ll.

Killing me softly.

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    Bad pun is not so good.


    i fucking love this game. i can’t play the drums any harder than medium but i am a fucking god at guitar.


    Awww yeah, that’s the shit right there.

    in b4 “learn to play FOR REAL” from an insecure guitarist.


    How come they only moan about this game? I haven’t heard anyone saying “learn how to fly one!” at a fan of Airplane Simulators.


    It’s due to the aforementioned insecurities.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I don’t play guitar.

    I don’t play drums.

    That is for many other reasons the stupidest fucking game I’ve ever played.

    It’s not a videogame. It’s a new form of faggotry. Its something 15 year old Japanese girls should own the exclusive rights to playing.

    It moronic.

    It’s lame.

    I hates the Baggins.

    I’m not insecure. I do not play a real guitar.

    It’s just monkey work. It’s like Tetris + DDR = stupid fucking rock band game.

    And I only “moan” about this game because on top of it being so dismissable and stupid it gets lauded the utmost praise by a never ending river of douche. Everybody asks “dude you play Rock Band?”. The first 50 times I said no politely. Even when they persisted in trying to convince me and busted out the condescending “you play real guitar huh…that’s why you don’t like it” I stayed calm. Number 51 shit his pants.

    This game sucks. Playing it gets you one step closer to being certifiably handicapped. I will rape the universe.


    erm… TLDR.

    I am a drummer and ive broken a couple of these sets, theyre coming out with a bigger, heavier-duty-er version.

    And what i hate ABSOLUTELY HATE! about this game is it makes every tom, dick, and harry (or hairy tom dick Xp im so clever) think he/she/it is a gawd at guitar or drums! you can play a plastic ripoff of a fender, but not the real thing.

    tiki god

    I’ve got modded drums. one of my pimp friends knows how to mod them to take more damage, and to be fucking quieter.


    >It’s not a videogame. It’s a new form of faggotry. Its something 15 year old Japanese girls should own the exclusive rights to playing.

    > It’s a new form of faggotry. Its something 15 year old Japanese girls should own the exclusive rights to playing.

    >Its something 15 year old Japanese girls should own the exclusive rights to playing.

    >Its something 15 year old Japanese girls

    >15 year old Japanese girls


    Ok, I’ve stayed quiet on this subject for the last couple of times pics of it have been posted here because I know that whenever something this popular comes out and inserts itself into the pop culture mainstream, there are always people who fall into one of three catagories:

    1. People who love it.
    2. People who hate it.
    3. People who know nothing about it.

    And the first two catagories of people will rabidly defend to the death their respective opinions about the game, regardless of how true, biased, or irrational those opinions may be.

    Flat out, the game, however you feel about it, has sold incredibly well. Millions of people gain hours of enjoyment from it. Rather than supplanting interest in playing an instrument, many families are reporting that their kids are finding an interest in real music/instruments after playing the game, something our schools are increasingly turning away from due to lack of funding, interest, etc. It’s a game that families can play and enjoy together, something also increasingly lacking in today’s ever drifting family unit.

    ANY game can be referred to as “monkey work”, or “a waste of time”, or “irrelevant”, or “a distraction from the real world”. That, I believe, is and always has been the point behind most games. To distract and entertain from the often harsh reality of life. It shouldn’t matter whether it’s a guitar game, a FPS, a racing game, sports, strategy, RPG, or bloody UNO. IT’S ALL GAMES.

    I have yet to read any rant here or in previous posts that give any legit reason beyond personal opinion or emotion that this particular game is crap. If it sucked so much, I doubt it would be selling as well as it has. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. It’s certainly your right as a consumer not to buy or play it. And no, I don’t think most of the rancor is from “legit” musicians, rather it is from people who feel some deep personal need to hate what is popular. In which case I’d suggest getting some therapy or a whole lotta Mary Jane.

    That being said, do what you want, hate what you want, but life’s pretty short to go around hating stuff all the time.

    And Magnus, the “hates the Bagginses” quote had me blowing soda out of my nose, thanks for the laugh. ( I can appreciate your hatred of douchery, the world is currently saturated with it. Chavs too.)


    While the guitars really prepare you for anything RL related, the drums are a good indicator. Master it on hard, and try a real set.

    And yet we’re still waiting on a european release date! Come on ffs. I’ve lost my 1* music badge over at 360voice because they included this shit and its not out over here yet.

    That being said, word is the guitar on rockband is easier on GH2, so I’m hoping to murder it on expert after failing to complete hard on GH3 because of damn Raining Blood and One.

    Btw Dreth has the best comment =D


    I am so glad I got this. It makes this deployment much more enjoyable. I play the drums, and I am getting pretty good. I can 4 or 5 star all medium songs, but I can only play a handle of songs on hard. It’s the double bass that’s killing me. I was able to get hand independence pretty fast, but foot independence seems harder (I always want to hit that high hat twice with a double bass, especially in songs like In Bloom).

    Magnus, I suggest you stay away from it. I thought this stuff was shit too, up until I tried it. Then it got it’s fucking hooks into me. I’m supposed to be reading some Stanislaw Lem books and painting my damn Tau army.

    Garbled, you’re spot on with the interest in music bit. I never had much interest in playing music, but this might have me buy a keyboard when I get back and learn to play piano. I want to make sure my daughter has some sort of musical influence in her life.

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