Anyone out there proficient with writing wordpress plugins? I need one, and I’m willing to pay (out the ass).
Also, the 1st kinda snuck up on me, so fuck me. So I’ll be online most of the night working on getting posts ready. You win 15 internets if you know why I gotta work all night for the 1st. Feel free to send me an IM! I’m here all night!
1st Comment, Yay, Bitches!
While you’re enjoying your female dogs, I’ll be grabbing 2nd and Whoo Strippers!
fuck ya’ll, I’ll be in my bunk
you gotta work all night because you’re an April Fool?
Pedo-bear themed 1st?
tiki why not cue up your images and have them auto post every X number of hours? I did this with my wordpress site (now closed) using virtual cron jobs etc. There’s plugins for wordpress that allow you to put in dozens or pictures, write the post then using cron jobs have it post later on it’s own.
Right now, I’m queuing them up manually, so right now I have something like 100 posts ready to go. I’m trying to find a plugin that will just look at my most recent post, and date the one that I’m currently working on X hours later.
what plugins do you know of? give me a link! I’ve found a couple that kinda do that, but not really. Closest I’ve found is Post Queue, but I’d still have to mess with the date/time section, which is what I’m trying to get away from.
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