Warhammer Online

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Anybody else planning on playing this game?


Via http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/screenshots/

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    Maybe if it was W40k


    I might even tho its not 40k, but I’m still resisting the keep paying for computer games bullshit, so i dunno if non 40k will tempt me enough. If it was 40k, well then I’d just have to make an exception…


    Something else I noticed about the screens… shot one and 3 look awesome, shot 2 looks like pewp…WTF? Is it just the fact that the cannon end isn’t even fucking close to round… like they didn’t even try? and that in the other shots its not noticed cause the ships and Chaos have lots of sharp angles?


    dark elf boats?


    I wonder if the steamtank broke down like it did in Dark Omen? lol


    blatant WoW rip off.
    Actually looks better than WoW IMO. Much more intricate. Makes WoW look a bit ‘paint-by-numbers’.


    Dark Elf boats? Dark elfs don’t use boats, they use MONSTERS.


    asdf & phaed: The Dark Elves and High Elves have the most powerful navies in the Warhammer lore. The Dark Elves even have huge floating fortresses called Arks which travel to Ulthuan and the Mainland to do the usual rape, pillage, burn, but not necessarily in that order. 😀

    Necrocardium: Dark Omen 4tw!

    Warhammer 4 lyfe!


    Yes, but Black Arks are the only “boats” they use, if you can call a floating castle/city a ‘boat’. For their ships of the line, Dark Elves use sea monsters: Doomreavers and Sea Fortresses, I believe they’re called. Devastating at close range, they can even make Chaos fleets tremble.

    High Elves can overcome Dark Elf fleets of equal points, however, provided they stay at long range long enough to cripple them, then send the Dragonships to shred through the wounded beasts.

    And Man O’ War was fucking awesome. Too bad they discontinued it.

    casemods UID# 667

    read that as walmart online

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