Itty Bitty Doggy


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    Too much cute for one picture.


    Cuteness.. causing manliness to…. FADE….



    Itty bitty boat?


    they are poorly proportioned sandwich ingredients and nothing more.
    I love puppies, but goddamn pursedogs make me angry


    Incorrect. The correct answer was “I don’t believe it!”

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    purse dogs?

    no wonder you don’t like em if thats the association you make.

    little dogs are the only dogs that should be allowed in a city. its cruel to have a big dog and nowhere to let it run around.

    hence lots of buildings in cities having new ‘no dogs over 30 pounds’ rules.

    Oh and pitbulls should be exterminated.


    pitbulls are awesome, but i prefer herding dogs.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I prefer actually having a big dick and not having to compensate. Owning a pitbull or large dog is real compensation. At least with a cool car you had to earn it. Any asshole (as evidenced by reality) can go out and buy some retarded lump of shit and chain it up in their yard.

    My uncle had two when I was young. He lived on a farm. Then he got tired of that so he sold the farm and moved back here to the city and civilization. Oh and the pitbulls each took one in the head. Nobody was overly concerned or upset.

    I love dogs. I hate pitbulls.


    Errrmmm… you’ve lost me. How is having a large dog compensating? Or, for that matter, any different from having a big ass truck? Your logic escapes me…

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    People buy big dogs like pitbulls for the reaction they get not the animal itself.

    It’s evidenced every time they talk abotu their dog. Ever hear anyone say “check out my pit…he’s so smart.”. No. It’s always “check out my badass pitbull. He’s huge”.

    That’s compensating. Not necessarily for a small pecker. Usually it’s for a small brain and/or wallet.


    But the guys that go, “Check out my truck” or “Check out my whip” aren’t?

    I dunno. I’m not a big fan of pitbulls, but If I got a dog it certainly isn’t gonna be a small one. And I won’t be going “check out my Doberman!”

    It’ll be more like “Go on Vlad! Fetch me that burglars harbls!”…


    : for once you raised a valid point, but then you ruined it by adding the pitbull line.

    Anyway; I agree about how you say having a large dog in a city where it can’t run is cruel, BUT that’s what parks and beaches are for.

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