Hot Scratch Master


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    He’s gonna lay down some ‘fresh’ beats (that sounded better in my head)

    or, Thats so raw.

    damn, nothing witty.

    This is what LSD does to your mind!

    Alec Dalek

    I hear he burnt his hands up pretty bad. He now has to beg on the corner with the skateboard guy.

    Alec Dalek

    Oh, and when I try to picture the typical Mac users, this is exactly what I see. Someone that thinks they’re WAY cooler than they actually are, and is either unaware of, or in denial of, everyone laughing at them.


    what a bare kitchen


    Troll on Dalek. You should seek some help with your anger issues.

    Alec Dalek

    ^^^go back to using your Mac to run Windows.


    I am running Windows, on a PC, admining a Windows network. I just wish hypocrites like you would practice what they preach. What was it you said about mac users never shutting the hell up. Fucking limey troll.

    Alec Dalek

    Pot. Kettle. Black.


    So, doesn’t make what I said any less true.


    That statement still makes the kettle black. It’s more of a “you too” argument than a “nuh uh”.


    Shades of grey, Max. Some more so than others.


    Just meant to say it’s fail as a defensive argument.




    I like the pic. Sauce?

    Alec Dalek

    ^^^ You see, it’s true. Mac Fanboys can’t shut the fuck up!


    Alec, stop proving yourself a mac fanboy.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    To elaborate on what max said:
    AlecDalek can’t shut the fuck up + Mac Fanboy’s can’t shut the fuck up =
    AlecDalek is a Mac Fanboy


    Alec Dalek

    At the very least, I’m all in favour of the term “Mac Fanboy” being a derogatory term.


    Generally the term “Fanboy” has negative connotations. However, Mac Fanboy is exclusively a derogatory term…. according to you. Failing to shut the fuck up makes you one, thus, you’re dissing yourself.


    Just for the record, reboot, that logic is invalid. I can’t help but point it out even if it’s not the point. It’s like seeing somebody with something between their teeth. I feel like I should say something.

    The logic is proven invalid by recreating the syllogism with different terms:
    Some cat is a furry animal. Some dog is a furry animal. Some cat is a dog.

    So… ~QED

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    What do you know, I’ve been out pedanted.
    I guess I’ll just have to rely on my good looks and sense of humor to make friends from now on.


    So, does anyone know what the “premise” is behind this pic? I’m thinking it’s some kind of anti-drug thing. Don’t do meth, you’ll end up dj’n red hot stove eyes, or some crap like that. I’m sure burn victims might find this disturbing too.


    As a Mac user I would like to say that I neither have geek glasses, stupid hair, headphones engineered to reproduce sound to an accuracy well beyond what the human ear can actaully detect, or a compulsion to make-believe scratch DJ decks on anything vaguely circular.

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