That’s Retardo. He’s the ancient God of outsourced labour. Those 7 heads represent the seven people you get transfered to by tech support before you get pissed off and hang up.
That is not Sheesha, that is the Buddha. I’ve never heard him referred to as that name, but this statue is representing the story that while he was meditating outside a cobra flared up above him to shelter him from the rain. @magnus:
I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking statue!
I concur.
Now THIS is culture. The ancients that designed and built this were cool, not total douches like the pyramid builders.
That’s Shesha, the king of the snakes, with Vishnu on his coils.
I’m new here btw. 🙂
That’s Retardo. He’s the ancient God of outsourced labour. Those 7 heads represent the seven people you get transfered to by tech support before you get pissed off and hang up.
Moments before Conan kicked it the fuck down.
That is not Sheesha, that is the Buddha. I’ve never heard him referred to as that name, but this statue is representing the story that while he was meditating outside a cobra flared up above him to shelter him from the rain.
No I was saying the snake itself is called Shesha.
I was thinking of Hindu mythology. Buddhism borrowed a whole heck of a lot from Hinduism and yeah, now that I see his smile I can see it’s the Buddha. It might as well be Vishnu though, lol.
See: or
that would look pretty cool on my front lawn.
lol pwned.