Abortion -not funny whether or not a clown is present.
Clowns never make anything funnier. They just make it creepier.
Abortions are hilarious!!
I agree, abortions are hilarious… Unless performed by mountain cubs, then they are inspiring.
The only way it would be funny is if you were aborting a clown.
I’m laughing and I hate clowns. Win.
But then, if I was a women, I’d get pregnant just so I could have an abortion and piss off Christians.
Abortions are delicious!
I lost it at “aborting a clown”.
Abortion -not funny whether or not a clown is present.
Clowns never make anything funnier. They just make it creepier.
Abortions are hilarious!!
I agree, abortions are hilarious… Unless performed by mountain cubs, then they are inspiring.
The only way it would be funny is if you were aborting a clown.
I’m laughing and I hate clowns. Win.
But then, if I was a women, I’d get pregnant just so I could have an abortion and piss off Christians.
Abortions are delicious!
I lost it at “aborting a clown”.