The Department of otolaryngology is undertaking a joint study with the department of urology examining the effect of human semen on speech. Our objective is to establish whether acts of “rigorous” fellatio may contribute to pathology of the larynx. We are currently recruiting males willing to receive fellatio. The specific aim of this study is to ascertain whether proteases found in human semen are deleterious to the tissues that comprise the oropharyngeal cavity. Would you be will willing to assist? A conditional honorarium of $145 will be provided.
Does not specify who (or what) will be performing the fellatio.
blow job and 145$? is there anything better than this?!!!!
damn! i can’t see the email.
does that honorarium look like bonorarium to anyone else?
Should have gone to Toronto U. Damn…
(Would test subjects be required to cuddle afterwards?)
It entirely depends on who would be preforming said fellatio. But $145 for a beej? COUNT ME IN.
shouldn’t the email addy have been included in the description of the post?
btw, reboot sucked me off and gave me $200 afterwards, which is a much better deal.
however, i am not sure if his study was legitimate or not…
That’s nice that you named one of you kids after me, but you probably should be getting more cash than that for pimping them out.
Most likely those doing the adminstering are old, grizzled professors with big tobacco-smoke-stained moustaches and rickety black teeth.
If it sounds too good to be true…
Ha-ha. Natedog said he had sex with a boy!
I’d do it, as long as there werent sharp teeth involved!
Damn, Jeffa. Once again petty and fearful conservatism has stood in the way of fellatio science. Just remember this when your best friend who gives blowjobs a lot gets a speech impediment: Now we’ll never know for sure.
Too bad I don’t have a penis…
Would you like one?
it’s a trap!