Ron Paul Revolution

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    Ron Paul killed Mr Rogers!


    Oh I get it, it’a a poster about the candidates that don’t have a shot. lol.


    If no one voted for him in libertarian New Hampshire and Idaho (<7%), how does he have a shot anywhere else.


    Plus he doesn’t believe in evolution. What a wanker.


    Yeah really, I appreciate third party candidates, and I love a snappy poster, but…. it’s way too late in the game and I am getting really fucking annoyed by hopelessly relentless fans of the loser.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I am getting really fucking annoyed by hopelessly relentless fans of the loser

    That’s nothing, I still see people with “Re-elect Gore” bumper stickers. After Ron Paul has literally died, there will still be people on the internet who think he should be President


    im voting for him


    I always hated the american flag.


    I mean, I hate Hillary, but.. oh noes! A welfare state! Free healthcare! It must be the evil Ruskies of the ‘USSAR’, which, incidentally, stands for United States Search and Rescue. Which may have some relation to the USSR, I’m not sure. Dumb shmuck.

    Alec Dalek

    Two whores, and Ron Paul.


    when did bozo the clown retire and go into politics? seriously, i think paul’s nose could eat rhode island.


    at least he has a top lip unlike that freaky looking fuck at the top.


    seriously people I cant understand why you are allways concerned of who is any of this people (more exactly beliving what they say)its like if you forget they are politicians and nothing they say is true they are liars thats the reason they become what they are politicians they say were gona say this and when they obtai what they want(a chair in a power place) they star a war or a law that mekes them rich am latin and I dont belive Hillarywich says its gona make somethign about the inmigrant issue(probably more gusn to kill more inmigrants ore idont know putting abomb in mexico will end the problem) or any of them (fuck I dont even belive the president of my country) and you care of what? a friend of mine once said: the less you know of a candidate the more lies he hides the more you know of a candidate the more lies he(she) says.
    this is my first post so please be gentle. its my first time hehehehe.


    Ok, I managed to catch that last sentence before I posted this, or I would not have been, acid.
    But please, so my brain stops hurting, use punctuation and proper spelling. It’s a combination too long; didn’t read and too bad; my eyes bleed.


    yeah srry next time i will, and probably i will read what i write before i send. bu thanks for the comment.

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