Monocle Action!




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    Uh…. why is InuYasha wearing a monocle?



    I think writing 20 paragraphs about how you don’t like something is kind of bad in itself. I used to like VG Cats, but then I thought it got kind of lame, so I stopped reading it.



    Thank you for the paraphrased version. I damn near read through six paragraphs before I realized there was no actual content. I was at least expecting so lawlz. No lawlz were to be found.


    VGCats sucks because this joke has been going around the internet since the late 90s. I believe OMM is where I saw it first, and it at least had a bit of context.


    Also, everyone else in this thread: wtf are you on about?


    The context of this pic in the full comic was actually pretty funny, but – hey, what do I know? I like to read stuff before jumping on hate bandwagons.


    Click the link under Reboot in the first post to read his rant.
    Also, I’ll admit, Dr. McNinja is much better.


    I just can’t wait for them to publish their extra special ‘Why did the chicken cross the road’ 5-page spread.

    To get to the other side.


    @Paul: Ah, thank you. Seeing in that light, the blog kind of reads like an unfunny eVersion of Comics Curmudgeon, so I change my vote to VGCats. As much as the red tide of unfunny webcomics does slightly annoy me, I kind of respect them for the DYI thing, and they seem to get by all right. Better than a lot of the syndicates at least.


    i had a response to this “thread,”
    since i like webcomics, am easy to amuse, and take a measure of pleasure at seeing them reference other phenomena that i am amused by, annoyed by, or can simply relate to.
    However, I remembered that own the complete Calvin and Hobbes set, and my time would be better spent thumbing through it again.

    Taking self important stands on what is essentially a matter of differing tastes
    might be the stupidest form of internet arguing, an already retarded endeavor.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    No, taking self important stands on what is and isn’t worthy of discussion is the stupidest form of internet arguing.
    The hypocrisy is inherent: its not worth your time to discuss and defend your opinion, but it IS worth your time to let us know that its not worth your time to discuss and defend your opinion. yeah, you’re a beacon of genius and self restraint.


    well, CLEARLY i was waffling on my stance concerning the issue.

    i cared mildly about the subject, but thought the argument dumb, which reminded me of Calvin, which made me want to share the quote it had made me think of, which made me leaf through my collection, which made me all warm and fuzzy inside, which made me feel like it was STUPID to ARGUE about freaking COMICS when you could be enjoying the ones you like, and not bothering with the rest.

    i was just talking about the absurdity of taking such an angry stance something that has no “right” or “wrong” when you could just be out enjoying the things you DO like instead.
    Luckily, I happen to like playing Internet Argument Bingo, and with your “hypocrisy,” i’m one Hitler reference short of $20 and a free pizza coupon!


    I think it’s a bit odd that you measure the value of the syndicateds based on ‘Calvin and Hobbes’, which is a rare exception, compared to every onlines ever. That’s like saying Captain and Tenile is the best band and Soul-Funk the best genre ever on the strength of James Brown.

    Frankly, for ever Calvin and Apartment 3-G, there’s about a billion shitty syndicateds, while there’s heaps of great webcomics for the picking.

    By the way, I enjoy arguing on the internet pretty much more than anything. Doesn’t that make your whole idea fall apart?


    I agree with you about C&H being exceptional- i prefer webcomics- i can’t even read the paper anymore, however, i wasn’t proclaiming it was superior or anything- just that it made happy, and put the argument in perspective.

    As for arguing, just because i think that it’s stupid doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy it myownself. Why even bother commenting here otherwise?

    The trick is not to put value in being
    right, but in pissing people off.
    That may contradict what i said earlier,
    but that was like 45 minutes and a couple highballs ago.


    WHAT is Truth? said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer. If he lived nowadays he would have also posted goatse and said “DAMMIT FRANK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?!”


    love em all except i dunno the first yet.


    I would add:
    (the best^)
    (last two occasionally a bit iffy)

    There’s a few other I’d add, that aren’t quite as good, or are now defunct (like Lick My Jesus, rest in peace)


    I actually hate quantz. its the exact same comic every time. but with different words. Kinda stupid imo


    I used to think like you, but one day I started reading them and realized there’s quite a good deal of character development: All four regular characters have very distinctive personalities and such. I know dromeciomimus better than I know some family members.


    I think I’ve read two Qwantz strips. Then my eyes started bleeding and I had to stop.

    It might be better without the comic if the text was laid out better. But then it wouldn’t be a web comic and all these dumbed down kids wouldn’t bother reading it.


    Shut the fuck up about dumbed-down, you cunt. I started reading webcomics when I was finishing my masters, and spending most of my days trudging through old medieval Latin and archaic Portuguese legalese, or travelling around from Reservation to Reservation to shift through council archives. Now I spend all day on the phone organizing event and tour schedules for April-September all over a large geographical region, which I occasionally have to drive around. Sometimes I like light reading, to give my brain a little rest with a silly webcomic. If that makes me dumbed down, so be it, but, more likely, that makes you a fucking ignorant cunt.


    <3 VG Cats.

    Ctrl-Alt-Del is hitting too much story recently. I read it for comedy, not story.


    John Solomon is a fucking douchebag and his writing is the worst I have come across since I read the Da Vinci Code.

    “Maybe it’s because I watched both seasons of Dexter last week, but I’m beginning to think of myself as a webcomic serial killer.”
    Serial killers are cooler than you. They are more interesting.

    I’m going to go write a blog about what an utter penis he is.

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