They did, originally Blizzard wanted to basically create a warhammer game, but Games workshop wouldn’t give them the rights to it, so they created another game with some big aspects of warhammer in it. The Terran,
big heavy duty armored soldiers- Space Marine/Terran
Bio weapon wielding space xenos Zerg/Tyranids
Ancient alien mystical types Protos/Eldar
Personally I think Warhammer forever outshines starcraft in the aspect of storyline, mostly because its been out so long that every blade of grass has its own friggen backstory.
I would give my left nut for a beta spot in SC2…
careful what you wish for 😉
Meh, SC2 is nothing more then SC1 in 3D. In OLD 3D.
Blizzard already has my $59.99 (and soul for that matter).
He should probably put the visor on his helmet down. Looks like a nasty sand storm.
Looks sweet, but also looks like they ripped off a bunch of stuff from Warhammer and Mechwarrior.
They did, originally Blizzard wanted to basically create a warhammer game, but Games workshop wouldn’t give them the rights to it, so they created another game with some big aspects of warhammer in it. The Terran,
big heavy duty armored soldiers- Space Marine/Terran
Bio weapon wielding space xenos Zerg/Tyranids
Ancient alien mystical types Protos/Eldar
Personally I think Warhammer forever outshines starcraft in the aspect of storyline, mostly because its been out so long that every blade of grass has its own friggen backstory.