America FTW
FTW, my ass.
as an american, i am sickened that Bush (and many past presidents) have used so many countries like this.
i mean, Blair is prolly wrist deep in horse shit.
and fuck! he’s got a stirrup right there.
but i guess what happens when someone born in New Haven, Connecticut tries to play cowboy.
That was made by Alison Jackson. I like the one where Bush has a Rubick’s Cube.
I looked at the link that penguin left, and Alison Jackson has some pretty amazing images. Very good lookalikes.
This is very Brokeback Mountain.
Protip: It’s fake.
America FTW
FTW, my ass.
as an american, i am sickened that Bush (and many past presidents) have used so many countries like this.
i mean, Blair is prolly wrist deep in horse shit.
and fuck! he’s got a stirrup right there.
but i guess what happens when someone born in New Haven, Connecticut tries to play cowboy.
That was made by Alison Jackson. I like the one where Bush has a Rubick’s Cube.
I looked at the link that penguin left, and Alison Jackson has some pretty amazing images. Very good lookalikes.
This is very Brokeback Mountain.
Protip: It’s fake.