That is really neat, I like it!
guerrilla knitting! Yarn fast and then fade into the fog to knit again another day!
I dun get it?
haha, i find this stuff just hilarious. it’s almost like an oxymoron of badass.
It would be worth learning how to knit just to do shit like this.
The first pic looks like a guy’s hands, and the second looks like a girls (I’m hoping that’s nail polish, and the knitted wrist socks).
Could be tag team knitting. That’s either made of awesome or mind-numbingly stupid; not sure which.
“not sure which.”
I’m pretty sure it’s BOTH. O_O
Its guerrilla people. You can find a lot more pictures by Googling “knitting graffiti”
That is really neat, I like it!
guerrilla knitting! Yarn fast and then fade into the fog to knit again another day!
I dun get it?
haha, i find this stuff just hilarious. it’s almost like an oxymoron of badass.
It would be worth learning how to knit just to do shit like this.
The first pic looks like a guy’s hands, and the second looks like a girls (I’m hoping that’s nail polish, and the knitted wrist socks).
Could be tag team knitting. That’s either made of awesome or mind-numbingly stupid; not sure which.
“not sure which.”
I’m pretty sure it’s BOTH. O_O
Its guerrilla people.
You can find a lot more pictures by Googling “knitting graffiti”