That’s OK, njch412, the rest of us will be happy to do it for you…unless it’s Schwarzenegger you’re worried about in 2012 since Barack is as American as any other US citizen.
Ya if you elect him all your problems will be solved.
Only a complete fucking retard cares about politics unless they’re involved and thusly profiting from it.
I’ve been there! I have the same pic, minus Obama of course.
Bilary ftw!
I will not elect a foreign man for the presidency
Who’s a foreign man?
Obama’s mother is from Kansas, dumbass.
That’s OK, njch412, the rest of us will be happy to do it for you…unless it’s Schwarzenegger you’re worried about in 2012 since Barack is as American as any other US citizen.
hahahaha that’s not even legal, you dork.
otherwise we’d be dealing with an Ahhhhnold campaign
Another Paul? There can only be one, and my drunken style is strong.
“hahahaha that’s not even legal, you dork.”
Not until the 61st Amendment is passed…
Ya if you elect him all your problems will be solved.
Only a complete fucking retard cares about politics unless they’re involved and thusly profiting from it.
You got it, reboot, and he’s even hired a law firm to start exploring that possibility…try reading a newspaper once a year or so, elzar!
Obama bin laden 2008
i think obama is a pretty cool guy. eh poses with superman and doesn’t afraid of anything
wasn’t superman invented by crackers?
Superman was invented by Jews.
I was going to say exactly that, Paul, but I didn’t want to give a certain someone a chance to say “Jewish Superman is Jewish.”
well, certain someone is not going to like superman anymore.
I didn’t know there was a Superman statue on Durka Durka Durka street.
Superman would have totally kicked Obama’s ass because he is on the CFR.
also, Superman would have voted for Ron Paul anyway.
Superman’s a friggin infidel fer fucksakes
But….he thinks he’s a superhero.
Superman is an illegal alien