Dubious at best. Brazil retains a good deal of old Portuguese coustomary law, to different degrees, and the more modern strain of Brazilian law is modeled on, but quite different to, Common Law. Further, Common law describes a whole range of things. Even in its heartland, there’s a world of difference between, say, Germany and France. I’d take this with a grain of salt, really.
Anarchy in Antarctica
Law of the unknown. Where was that?
Dubious at best. Brazil retains a good deal of old Portuguese coustomary law, to different degrees, and the more modern strain of Brazilian law is modeled on, but quite different to, Common Law. Further, Common law describes a whole range of things. Even in its heartland, there’s a world of difference between, say, Germany and France. I’d take this with a grain of salt, really.
Rather, Civil law describes a whole range of things. One o’ Clock shakes here.
Common Law, fuck ya!