U.S. History Paper

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    I can’t help but shake the feeling those comments were added with Photoshop.


    SEE! this is what I’ve always told my history profs. Bastards never believed me. You keep fightin on Jimmy, fightin Hitler in the sky!


    Fucking pokemon is not history.


    This has to be the most funny thing I have ever read, ever, in my entire life.


    Funny, but still not as amazing as this:


    Something tells me this kid will grow up to be a creationist.


    “oh god no”


    T G Geko

    I love this and the “el nino” one. We need more creative children in our society.


    Fake. On a standard double-spaced page using Times New Roman at 12pt, written in MLA format—as this one is, minus the header and the date’s in the wrong place—you can write 16-18 lines after the title line. This one has 25 lines after the title, so whoever Photoshopped this was lacking some details. Also, what printer would print a page with left-hand margins like that, especially in 1999? And most high school teachers don’t write like they’re 10 years old, and the trend is to avoid red ink.

    T G Geko

    If you ask me that whole red ink think is BS. As far as I read, they avoid red b/c it causes distress or anguish or something like that. But isn’t that the point? to draw the student’s attention and get him to pay attention? or should teachers use green, a calm and relaxing color and have them think corrections should be ignored and not improved?


    This is awesome.





    My Japanese teachers would always circle the correct answers in red ink, and cross out the wrong answers in green. It fucked my head up pretty bad and I’m pretty sure the attentiveness and anguish required to look at a corrected test/essay is what gives Japan its leading economic edge.

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