Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Oliver Queen
Added on January 23rd, 2008 by tinman | Report Post
Tags:Erica Durance, Lois Lane, Sexy, Smallville, Television
Tags:Erica Durance, Lois Lane, Sexy, Smallville, Television
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Smallville makes a mockery of everything i stand for, and what’s worse is that they’ve sucked other, good heroes into that shit storm
Yeah, but the chicks are hot!
From what I’ve read, they originally intended only on making 4 seasons, his high school years. Then they went and made, 5, which was ok, but could have ended there and been fine. Then six, which slid rapidly downhill. I couldn’t even finish the episode with Dean Cain (“Cure”) in season 7, and gave up on the show. Also, I’m not talking about individual episodes, there were some in each season that were fairly weak, but Kristen Kruek drew me back. My friend and I always made bets about how many times Chloe would run off crying in each ep. After they got out of the first few seasons and went away from the “meteor freaks” into the “Clark’s legacy” it got better. Then it got worse, far worse.