Cloverfield Wallpaper


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    Alec Dalek



    Nausea inducing migraine machine. Waste of time and money.


    Unless you liked it, which apparently 3 people did.


    This film (if you can call it that, being the blair witch ripoff that it is) cost me 1.5hrs of my life that I will never be able to get back.


    Nor will you get back the seconds it took you to right that sentence. Life’s a bitch.

    I liked it.


    i liked it.

    Rage 0

    I also enjoyed it. Then again, I also enjoy Lost, so maybe I just like the “questions but no answers” stuff.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    This movie sucked.
    Heroes sucks.
    This is pure style without substance. It’s positing questions without hope of an answer. Like asking a riddle you don’t know the answer to yourself.


    This movie has nothing to do with Heroes.

    tiki god


    You’re right. Except you’re wrong. It’s produced by the same guy (JJ Abrahms, who also did Alias and MI:3), and features the same Slusho! drink company.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    It has to do with Heroes in the sense that its part of the current trend to ignore actual plot in favor of having an unresolvable “mystery”.
    Having an unresolved mystery can be done well if it gives enough information for the intelligent viewer to work things out for themselves (eg. Memento), but if the narrative abandons all logic (eg Heroes, Lost, apparently Cloverfield) that’s just stupid lazy.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    two counts of of exactly.
    Heroes is a joke. If you’re a fan then you like crap. As I said: asking a riddle you don’t know the answer to is retarded.
    What has 4 legs and can see through time?
    Look how smart I am. Let’s all dwell on this for a few months and ponder the amazing intellect I must possess! It’s garbage. It’s deceptive and stupid. JJ Abrahms is a douchebag (and from what I hear a total dick) as evidenced by his complete lack of respect for his audience in favour of the ol advertising $$$.
    Questions need answers. There has to be at least the hope for resolution. Children of Men suffered from a similar problem. A big smart question and no attempt at even thinking about answering it.
    All the pieces I mentioned here will be completely forgotten in 5 years. TV has hit an all time low and its just in time for the medium itself to become obsolete.


    my oh my how the tables have turned


    I watched the first season of “Heroes” because it was a new show with a lot of hype (which should have clued me in, but I keep forgetting how stupid masses of people are) and I watched the second because Kristen Bell was in it (not as much as my pants would have liked, though).
    Am I forgiven?

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