New World Order

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    If only.


    Or better: As if.

    T G Geko

    Am I the only one who feels that uniting the world would bring peace? or have I just been watching too much star treck?


    Uniting the world under what banner? First off you’d never be able to get a consensus out of 6 billion chattering monkeys, and second of all there have always been civil wars, riots, coups, emancipations, liberations, and other such freaky stuff that splits a country from within. Even if you could unite the world for a second, we’d probably reach critical mass and explode again in to a billion different countries.


    It would be nice if there were a few super-countries tho, I mean canadians would stop getting price-gouged out the ass by america, those poor south africans could finally sell their damn diamonds, I mean you could combine all the wealth…. oh wait… that’s communism, my bad,


    OK, how did North America get Australia?


    ‘Cause they got tired of paying out teh ass for internets, and we all know N.A. is the king of the internets!


    This “New World Order” and what it could bring is talked about in this movie:

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    I don’t think you need to unite under one banner in order to have old peace. War is essentially a consequence on inefficient economies. Right now, the US is the only major countries that leverages its military to promote its economic interests. It also has the most unstable economy in the world (consumer economy fueled by easy credit and massive trade deficits). So there might be last “big war”, but after that, I think the concept of nation-states will be subsumed into trading blocs and corporatocracies.

    beep beep

    Anyone ever read the book “Jennifer Government” by Max Berry? In the book, the world was divided pretty similiar to this, and corporations owned everything and everyone (people’s last names represented what company they worked for). It’s a great book; I would recommend it.


    Zeitgeist was definitely an interesting movie…

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Is this from Zeitgeist? Here’s a clue kids: when someone is talking about a “conspiracy of elite bankers” without specifying who is and isn’t part of the conspiracy, they are full of crap. Are the subprime mortgage companies part of “the elite” bankers? How about Lloyds of London? If so, why did they go bankrupt?
    How about all the Asian economies? Is Japan controlled by Jewish bankers?
    I cannot even imagine the lack of critical thinking that would lead someone to believe Zeitgeist has any credibility.


    I may be no fan of Bush, nor anywhere close to a fan of religion…

    …but Zeitgeist is so full of shit that the stench lingers on anyone stupid enough to believe what they’re saying.

    P.S. I think this is from a tabletop RPG or something, first saw it in the /tg/ forum.


    It’s so NOT a conspiracy of “1337 bankerz”.

    It’s a well known fact that 90% of the world’s wealth is controlled by a mere 2% of the population.


    Remember the golden rule: “Whoever has the gold makes the rules.” Time and time again this has been shown to also be true, lobbyists, SLAPP, etc.


    You add them together, the whole world is controlled by 2% of its population. That sounds like someone owning me allright. and I don’t like it, but what’s a man devoid of a sniper rifle to do?


    how is the UK part of “the caliphate?” i really doubt a majority christian nation would let itself go under the banner of a islamic term- a caliph is more or less the successor to Muhammad (sorry if i spelled that wrong) and the caliphate is his office. explain?

    and yeah, how did we get australia?

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Wealth distribution is not fair by any means, but its not quite that bad. Top 2% owns about half the world’s wealth, not 90%.


    No, I don’t think this was from Zeitgeist, It is ag ood representation of something the movie talked about. However if you take everything that was said in the movie at face value, you are completely missing the point.

    The purpose of Zeitgeist was to make you ask critical questions not just believe what everyone tells you at face value. The truth of the matter is that there is a kernel of truth to every conspiracy theory, and unless people are actively questioning the status quo, they become little better than mindless sheep at the hands of others…


    So much bullshit.
    Makes head hurt.


    Also, re: that “Zeitgeist” film– I’ve watched parts of it, and I’ve got to say that it is FULL of factual and historical inaccuracies.

    I’m all for getting people into the habit of critical thinking, but telling lies and half-truths to get them to do so is a stupid, stupid, STUPID approach.


    Yeah, that 2 million muslims are some big threat to the 80 million others.


    sorry, 3 million. But what’s the difference?


    And I’m only talking about Germany which has had one of the most liberal immigration policies in the past years.

    Alec Dalek


    Well, 2 million muslims are a big threat to 80 million others if each muslim wears a bomb big enough to take out more than 40 people.


    One of the few cases I heard of here was that someone tried to blow a train up but failed. Some other guys, converts, were caught before they could carry out their plans. I think those people still go to Iraq or Afghanistan. Only thing that happens here are videos from some wacko trying to blackmail our government. Pfff. Didn’t work in the 70s, doesn’t work now.


    To sum it up: No attacks by now and I don’t think that any are going to happen this year.


    Yeah, I’m sure we’ll live to see a Caliphate that stretches from Glasgow to Mosambique (lol) when even the most extreme of Muslims are so torn apart by secretarian conflict that they’re all pointing more weapons at each other than at the Americans. Do you know what religious exremists hate more that people of different religions? People of different sects. There’s a reason there hasn’t been an effective, all-embracing Caliphate since, what? The ninth century? After a thousand+ years of further secretarian splitting, I don’t think we’ll see one again.

    On the other hand, I’m glad to see that Mecrosur/Mecrosul is doing so well. I mean, let’s face it, that would be, like, Brazil+++. And the Argentine’s can’t run themselves even better than the Brazilians can’t, so everyone wins.

    “You begin allowing more and more foreigners into your country without assimilation (like how the U.S. did in the past 200 years), then you’ll end up being controlled by another faction.”

    Fucking straight. I’d rather be dealing with a bunch of Sioux and Iroquois right now than a bunch of fucking crackers.


    # Anonymouse on January 20th, 2008 4:29 pm

    So much bullshit.
    Makes head hurt.

    Stupid approach? Yes. Does it work? unfortunately, yes. Ya need to fight through the pain! Thinking always hurts the first time. But soon it will become second nature. Fight it! ROFL…

    Hey, how ’bout you tell us how you really feel…


    North American Union is the only region capable of sustaining itself at a technologically advanced level. America wins.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    The actual New World Order will start in 2011, when Native American Tribes rise up and used Ghost Dance magic to defeat the US Military. At the Treaty of Denver, most of the the western US and Canada are ceded to the Natives and partitioned into Tribal Nations. After that California forms its own country and the Confederated States also secede from the Union. The remaining United States and Canadian Provinces join together to form UCAS, except Quebec which remains independent. Seattle and Denver remain free cities.
    Global Warming causing massive flooding the Amazon effectively causing South America to become an archipelago.
    Japan becomes a major empire, taking over most of Asia and San Fransisco.
    I don’t know what happens to the rest of the world, because I didn’t buy the other sourcebooks.


    At Njch: Japan + China+South Korea? Who do you think’s been inventing all the shit lately?

    Hint: It hasn’t been the economically segregated sea of trailer parks, ghettoes and insufficient public education you Americans call a country.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    when was the last time you say a Made in the USA label on anything?
    What’s the trade deficit at these days?
    What percentage of scientists in the US are foreign nationals?
    The USA is not even “sustaining itself at a technologically advanced level” right now.


    i dont “say” made in usa labels on things and why do the scientists come to the usa and not stay in their own country?

    you don’t really invent shit it is a product of eating and since the countries you listed have way more people i guess they do make more shit. more specific please your knowledge is not common knowledge
    and reboot
    proof please. most countries/empires do come to an end eventually

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    yeah, I typed “say” instead of “saw” because I was busy literally laughing out loud. you get a gold star at spelling, asdf.
    reasons why scientists come here are not important. njch412 claimed that the North American Union would be “capable of sustaining itself at a technologically advanced level”, I countered that the current level requires people, good and services from other nations and therefore isn’t self-sustaining. I’m still trying to figure WTF you’re adding to the conversation. what do you want proof of?


    Everything says made in china on it b/c it is stamped with that in Honk Kong harbor, most that shit is made elsewhere. Also my 1.00 walmart goods arent necessary to my daily life, and american companies are more than able to produce the highest quality goods should we so choose, we have mexico on this map, i.e.: cheap laborsince that is all mexico could bring to the table.

    Our college education system is still the envy of the world, just be happy we rebuilt western europe after world war ii and didn’t leave you to the commies.

    Trade defeceit really wouldnt matter anymore since I said SELF-SUSTAINING. Do you really think China can feed itself with their current population? Uh-oh, looks like China burned through all it’s natural resources….someones shit out of luck. Good thing the North American Union has Alberta and Alaska, not to mention any remaining oil in the gulf.

    Speaking of fuel, lets touch on future advances in alternative fuel. Ethanol? Hello Iowa. Production plants for the fabrication of Hybrd Engines? Hi Michigan. Universities to develop the technology? MIT CAL-TECH, Harvard, Yale, Princeton……

    Solid infrastructure across the nation? China has a coast.

    And about the % of foreign nationals. Um, I’d say probably an insignificant amount, as I attend a top tier school and my only foreign professors are….language arts and social sciences. Hardly critical to my advancement.


    Well, there are various proofs, and none of them have to do with the sheer number of people. The only quick proof that can fit in one comment on MCS would be counting patents. Here’s what the US gov itself has to say on the issue:

    And the OED provides plenty of much more specific information:

    As you can see, Japan, the US, Germany, Hong Kong and Taiwan dominate. Of these, the US is far far larger in population than even Japan. If you do the math and a little research, you’ll find that it’s just the opposite case. The US, in the last twenty years, has generally had a disproportionately low rate of patents per capita. This is compounded by the fact that the US patent office is a fucking mess, and to get a patent registered in the US, you pretty much have to hand them a sheet of paper with anything on it. Did you know the entire human gene sequence is patented ten chains at a time? Who knows how many of these DNA patents are repeats, and how many are even legit: If you were a scam artist, you could easily make some cash by writing ‘ACGTGCTACTAGTCA’ on a piece of paper, then suing research labs for settlements (those labs can’t affoard costly trials: They’re wasting all their money curing cancer). It’d be decades before the US patent office figures it out, and by that time you’d have a mansion in Jamaica.

    In conclusion, certain East Asian countries (and Germany, UK and Finland) not only have disproportionately high number of patents registered compared to the states, but they have higher-quality patents due to the greater checks and strickter laws. Not to mention that the jJapanese government spent fourty years encouraging their businesses to buy patents and going so far as to help negotiate deals. Frankly, Central Europe, Japan and South Korea are so far ahead of the rest of the world in technology, they’ve pretty much realized the dreams of WWII economically: They own the rest of us now. Through science.

    Is that proof enough, because I can get you more, homes.


    Oh, yeah, I lived in Calgary for 7 years and I know that industry like the back of my hand: If you think those oil sands oils will be sufficient and viable in the long run, be prepaired to pay, like, $150 a litre, most of which will go into paying for extraction.

    I’m not sure how self-sustaining the US economy would be. Actually, I would be really interested to see some of the socialogical factors to economic productivity, because you guys have factories (innefficient, badly organized ones) and farms (which survive on less -than-free-market government meddling) and labour, but you have a completely broken society which is pampered, greedy and lazy. And Mexico has gotten too expensive for the tastes of most of your CEOs: the trend has been towards getting labour from countries so poor they make Mexico look like a Yacht.

    I want to see if Americans, when under the punches, will actually stop stuffing their faces with hamburgers while watching reality TV and posting on the internet about their entitlement issues/exceptionism delusions to actually save their sinking ship. My prediction is no. Vanity and idleness are the two greatest forgotten economic factors.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “I want to see if Americans, when under the punches, will actually stop stuffing their faces with hamburgers while watching reality TV and posting on the internet about their entitlement issues/exceptionism delusions to actually save their sinking ship.”
    I’ve thought about this a lot, here’s what I’ve come up with: the traditional Hispanic lifestyle (many generation living together and pooling resources) will be more effective at responding to the upcoming recourse shortage than the typical Anglo lifestyle. In a couple of generations the US and Mexico will be virtually indistinguishable. In a few centuries the entire European colonization of the Americas will be viewed the same we that we look at the Muslim occupation of Iberia: a temporary incursion that lasted a few generation and was eventually overcome by the native population.


    Naw. Under the punches, I think I’d rather just keep buying weapons, posting on MCS, and stuffing my face with triple cheezburgers with extra bacon…



    I know a bit about what I’m talking about. I don’t have the time or inclination, but the film is FULL of historical inaccuracies. Pretty drastic ones.

    I’m not an expert on everything it addresses, but I do make a living reading, writing, researching, and teaching History. And there’s a lot of assertions in the film that are ridiculous, you could drive a car through ’em. Baseless bullshit.

    And yeah, a lot of the comments in this thread give me a headache, but it’s not because it’s my first time thinking. It’s because they’re wrongheaded, thoughtless, or just dumb.

    I deal with enough of that when I grade, but at least I get to hand out the F’s to people who deserve ’em.


    Recipe for post here: “Insert rebuttal to previous statements””insert own political views””give insight while using big words to sound intelligent””make fun of others ignorance”


    you made a claim: “The USA is not even “sustaining itself at a technologically advanced level” right now.”
    i want you to prove it. so answer your questions or your not really saying anything relevant or was it those four insightful questions and i just messed up. the moon is made of cheese look i dont have to back it up. reboot stick to chemistry and quantum mechanics. also learn to spell.
    “In a few centuries the entire European colonization of the Americas will be viewed the same we that we look at the Muslim occupation of Iberia: a temporary incursion that lasted a few generation(s) and was eventually overcome by the native population.” prove your claim back it up with facts. you don’t know this will happen. “In a couple of generations the US and Mexico will be virtually indistinguishable.” why do you think this is true and how will it happen?
    also how many hispanic families have you met to make your claim? at least five right thats enough to over generalize. do not use typical lifestyle. typical things do not exist everything is different. you should really say people that pool resources will have a greater chance for survival rather then people who spend their resources which also can not be proven. also what is the anglo lifestyle? you can’t fucking predict the future unless you can with atoms and i dont know about it.
    you lived in calgary shut the fuck up and worry about canada. how do you know the industry like the back of your hand? what color is your hand? how many bones does it have? how many hairs are on your hand? how many atoms are on your hand? you dont really know it do you? why waste your time with stupid sayings?


    I agree with you about the movie not being inaccurate on many points, and I was actually just messing with you. Just a wee bit.
    However that’s beside the point. The movie does what it was intended to do. It makes people ask questions, and hopefully also makes them start thinking for themselves, rather than buying what they are feed at face value.
    Presenting people with controversial, even “stupid”, ideas has a way of doing that. And for that reason, I cannot fault the film makers methodology.


    don’t usually submit to these pointless arguments, but your comments really bothered me. Firstly, i would like to state the fact that if it hadn’t been for America’s short-sightedness after world war 2 (don’t get me started with their reluctance to fight in the first place), there wouldn’t be a need to ‘rebuild’ eastern europe. Not that easten europe is rebuilt for that matter. There, that’s my Australian monkey off my back. Now my education has made me angry. I’d have to say, after studying in America, Australia and England, America’s education system is a distant third. The way the curriculum is taught is fine, it’s just that the curriculum is rather…..short. And now economics. China and India’s economies are the fastest growing economies in the world. Sorry to say, but it’s not long before they (or at least China) replace America as the dominant force in the world, the ‘superpower’. I’m not going to talk about consumerism and trade laws in terms of your statement that China merely stamps ‘made in China’ on stuff, you should be endeavouring to learn that for yourself instead of saying offhand remarks like that. Don’t know who said it (too lazy to look) but someone asked why foreign scientists seek employment in America instead of their own countries; we seek places like America and germany simply because that’s where the money is in terms of science. It’s not a glowing report of our countries, but it doesn’t necessarily make America the pin-up of r&d. You just have the money, honey, and sadly, it’s quite easy to be both brilliant and broke at the same time. One last thing, ethanol, hybrid cars…….not a viable solution I’m afraid, considering that ethanol will create the same environmental problems as petrol-combustion engines and hybrids still rely on petroleum half the time. That and a Prius almost ran me over coz i didn’t hear it come lol. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m about to throw up.

    Alpha Harrison

    njch42, i’m sorry, but your a dick. to automatically assume that America beats all, all the time, is wrong. the U.K has the 5th largest economy in the world, and we only have a population of 63 million. if thats not spunky, i don’t know what is. france and germany ain’t too bad either. i hate to be the guy thats always “don’t forget about england” but seeing as this site is populated by mostly americans, i have too. your nopt the best there ever was or ever will be. there are just more of you, wiht more space, so yes statiistically your more powerul, but you’d be royally fucked without European/Australasian support. let england have your manpower, space and resources, and lets see how we do eh?


    I was speaking of western europe, re-read my post. There was virtually no way for the USA to rebuild eastern europe as it was in the hands of the communists. Now don’t get me wrong I would have been al support for Patton had he been granted the power to drive the communists back to russia and out of germany.

    Again, I am talking in a hypotherical situation, with everyone sustaining themselves no foreign trade. Yes, China and Indias economy are booming (a little too fast if you ask an economists), but in a NWO that has countries sustaining oneself, what is chinas economy going to be. THEY DON’T BUY THEIR OWN GOODS.

    Personally, I would like to have another suerpower balance the power in the world, not just some dictators with nukes.

    And Alpha Harrison,
    I really didn’t forget about England, beside my own country, England is by far my favorite ot only because the relative historical significance of England, but also because of their government and its actions. But seriously, wtf is wrong with parliament taking away peoples private firearms?! Off-topic but naturally I’m a pro-rights man and just see that act as a step towards control of the populus.

    My econ professor taught us on the trade with china the other day. He has a Doctorate from Stanford, masters from harvard and is working on another doctorate from yale, he kows his stuff. Our h/w was analyze this articla as he says it is essentially true.
    Note: Sections on final assembly for goods.
    Section concerning trade defeceit.
    Section concerning the undervalued chinese currency. You really want to talk about a fucked up government, how about one that fucks its own people just to keep capital coming into their country.

    Alpha Harrison

    I’m not so proud that I cant give the man (lady?) a touché where one is deserved.

    Touché indeed!

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “i want you to prove it. so answer your questions or your not really saying anything relevant or was it those four insightful questions and i just messed up.”
    No, I refuse to answer those questions. I’ve done my own research and come to my own conclusions, you should too. I consider it a kind of Socratic Method.

    “why do you think this is true and how will it happen?”
    Speculation based on extrapolating current trends and comparing with historical analogues. Does my speculation worry you? if so why? What do you think the world will be like at the end of the 21st century?

    “also how many hispanic families have you met to make your claim?”
    dozen, maybe hundreds, in both the US and South America. But I don’t need to meet a single person to come to that conclusion, I just need to compare statistics of average household sizes.

    “also learn to spell.”
    Learn to use punctuation.

    Also, your reply to Caio is the type of response I expect from a 13-year-old, that adds nothing to conversation. It’s a metaphor, ferchristsake.

    How did you know my recipe for a post??? I thought it was a family secret.

    Alpha Harrison

    I think the idea of Europe’s COLONIZATION of North America can never be forgotten. That heritage will live on, it’s in nearly every major city in your country. what, you think South America and Canada spoke Spanish and French before they were colonized by Spain and Farance, or that New York isn’t named after a piss ant little city in the North-East of England. unfortunatley, as much as America is a country, it isn’t at the smae time. It has no history in the grand scheme of things, because it’s so young. Hopefully that means that it has massive amounts of untapped potential, and can actually become the world leader, instead of just syaing that it is because it has more money. I think if anyone wants to start a politcal/Socio-economic debate, they should really read up on it first (I recognise that several/most people on here have). I’ve got an A level in economics, i knwo what I’m talking about. Also, anyone that rips grammer/spelling: yeah it’s funny, unless your a smug twat about it (tip of my hat to asdf), otherwise you just end up sounding like, well, a smug twat


    originally it was new amsterdam wasnt it? settled by the dutch? and wall street was the actual wall they built around their settlement.


    i came to my own conclusions and i think america will be fine i also refuse to give any reason about my conclusions and research. not really because it is a speculation and thats how it might happen. you could have missed a vital point of information when you speculated but of course you didn’t. i could care less what the world will be like at the end of the 21st century. thats nice you have met lets say 100 hispanic families. so how many are there on the planet? you can say that from meeting hundreds or using statistic which maybe uses thousands that hispanics are like this. all i am trying to say is be more careful with the words you use and don’t use statistics to help your claim. whats the point of saying a metaphor just say i know it and back it up don’t use a metaphor to help your reasoning you shouldn’t need one if you reason well enough. also you should use ‘could’ rather then “will’. ‘will’ defines and lets it not be anything else. also be careful with ‘is’ because that also defines things too. i actually wanted you to tell me the trends and analogues you used so i could see how you were thinking. one example is not enough.


    I think the US Constitution has it right. Power and Government~especially on a global scale~should not be centralized. it should be localized to small areas. the local county/province/whatever should be the highest power.

    the people should govern themselves, not be subject to some global plan for ‘peace’ or ‘security’. People are corrupt, especially when they are in positions of power.

    fucking scurvy pirates.

    Alpha Harrison

    I wouldn’t really know enough to say about New York’s heritage, it was just the first example that cam to mind. But even if you don’t take it as an example of a British settlement, you still have Manchester and Birmingham (I know Birmingham is in Pennsylvania, not sure where Manchester is. These are England’s 3rd and 2nd cities respectively)

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “i came to my own conclusions and i think america will be fine i also refuse to give any reason about my conclusions and research.”
    “i actually wanted you to tell me the trends and analogues you used so i could see how you were thinking. one example is not enough.”
    So you’re not going to contribute any original thought of your own, but you are going to make further demands that I support my practically self-evident speculation?
    Sorry, asdf, you just became too boring to talk to right now.


    *puts towel on head* Hooray! Caliphate rules! We all get hareems!


    i still dont see how the ass backward middle east and islam rule western europe. Then again france had some good riots and german families are taxed to death to pay for their immigrant labor. Funny how people never bring up Europes immigration debacle, only America’s.


    i am not contributing to this conversation i am attempting to kill your bullshit comments so technically i am taking away from the conversation. “i came to my own conclusions and i think america will be fine i also refuse to give any reason about my conclusions and research.” i was using this to show how pointless it is to just make claims because without proof my claim is as equally legitimate as your claim. you need evidence to support your claims. i just want to see your evidence. why can’t you back your claim up with evidence? have you done research? why is your claim at all important except to yourself and maybe the person who says yeah thats so true? if your claim has no importance why do you tell people that this is what will happen based off of this evidence and my reasoning capabilities? shouldn’t it be this is what could happen. you can’t really foresee the future because their could be thousands of variables that you have absolutely no knowledge about and therefore can’t begin to guess. its self evident that i win this argument. lol


    Actually, if the US, Canada, Brazil, and Argentina teamed up (and with the Ukraine, if it ever gets its act together) and formed OWEC (Organization of Wheat Exporting Countries) we would make OPEC look pussified. Sure, we can’t drive our cars. But let’s see you eat your oil.


    shit, prop to the caliphate thing

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