Super Spider


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    one star, cause you scared me 🙁




    KILL IT!!!!!

    …but how???

    see: arachnophobia


    I agree, looks Cloverfieldian (That is now my word)


    Its just a garden spider.

    I used to run around with a huge fishing net catching butterfly’s so that I could feed the 5 or 6 we had in our backyard.


    The store I work at feeds caterpillars to spiders. We had one that was damn near the size of my palm. Totally awesome.


    Its a fuckin headcrab


    I say we dust off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


    i say a carefully placed molotov will pop the fucker and many lols will be had.

    … because it attacked us ……… had wmds …..and oil


    the bastard look like it could punk out a camel spider.


    I’d move house. 🙁




    I want to see it compared to someone’s hand or something, anyone have a pic like that?


    It’s called a Jewel Spider. We get a shitload of them every year. They’re actually pretty docile.


    How big is that thing anyways??? I’ll have second thoughts even if a bite from that thing would give me spidey powers.. lol 😀



    They’re about the size of a marble, but they’re large enough to be scary. When me and my friend were chasing each other through some bushes, and we emerged, one dropped from my friend’s head on a line of silk, down the front of his face. We screamed and ran.

    “You can spot a garden spider by its brown abdomen, usually marked by a white cross. They grow as large as 1-3/4 inches and live near houses and garden areas.”

    Their bites feel like bee stings, but it’s harmless, and it’s hard to get one to bite you.

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