30 years ago it may have been hot, but even in the early 80’s when I saw it was terrible. It was easier to J.O. to Tygra from the Thundercats or MinMay’s quick lil nude scene in Macros the Movie: Summer of 84′. We had to be very resourceful for material back then. There was no hentai back then.
Ah your right EP it was Cheetara,it’d been so long since I had seen it, what was the other that was similar? Silverhawks?
RP (#1110)
17 years ago
This was originally a comic done by R. Crumb of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers fame. He started drawing Fritz when he was a kid. Fritz was never meant to be a sex cartoon. Crumb hated the movie so much he killed off Fritz after the movie was out.
30 years ago it may have been hot, but even in the early 80’s when I saw it was terrible. It was easier to J.O. to Tygra from the Thundercats or MinMay’s quick lil nude scene in Macros the Movie: Summer of 84′. We had to be very resourceful for material back then. There was no hentai back then.
I thought the tiger from the Thundercats was a guy? Wasn’t Cheetara the woman?
Well, hindsight is always 20/20. This was a rather ground breaking movie in it’s day… Y’all have just been spoiled by too much high quality Hentai… 😉
Ah your right EP it was Cheetara,it’d been so long since I had seen it, what was the other that was similar? Silverhawks?
This was originally a comic done by R. Crumb of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers fame. He started drawing Fritz when he was a kid. Fritz was never meant to be a sex cartoon. Crumb hated the movie so much he killed off Fritz after the movie was out.
Silverhawks was awesome. The bad guy rode a space squid.