Women’s Penis Size Preference Chart

penis_size_preference_chart1.gif (25 KB)

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    Alec Dalek

    Ironic it looks like a boob.


    Looks like a doppler radar.


    uh oh, I’m an “e”


    lol the 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 box.


    Wow, a chart I actually agree with, even though I am sure it was designed by a man and therefore suspect.

    Men never like the ugly truth.


    Let me guess; sponsoring site is an ad site for Penis Enlargement pills or the like.


    The Matrix: Rebooted

    don’t worry that’s why oral was invented.

    I’ve known people who run sex toy stores and this chart is consistent with what the most popular vibrator sizes are, so I think it has some merit.


    Wow, I’m a C :p


    Can’t be bothered to calculate centimeters, so it’s useless to me. But then I’m surely an A anyway.


    so.. according to wikipedia, the average penis is 5.9″ long and 4.7″ in circumference. so, according to this chart, around 75% of dem dix are ‘not enjoyalble’.

    must suck to be a woman…


    Women always tend to estimate their lovers size to be bigger than it actually is. I somehow think this is based on a questionnaire, and not from women being given different size dildos and asking which was preferable.


    uh, I dont think this is right. I am an average size man, and my wrist is 6.5″ circumference, and my arm from the wrist to elbow is 10″. So basically me inserting 90% of my arm is “very satisfying”.


    Very astute observation… ROFL…

    Win. +100 Internets…

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Paul_Is_Drunk has the most insightful comment in this thread.
    jasonp, your wrist is only 2″ in diameter? Do the other kids call you Mr. Glass?
    fab, that’s why oral was invented.


    Chart is broke.

    Should go up to ‘Oh’ 😉


    I’m in the A-B range and I call shenanigans… no one “ideal” size is right for every person.


    Perfection is flawed.

    So far I’d have to say Paul_Is_Drunk and deuce have the most insightful comments.

    Besides…even if you have the “ideal” size going with this chart it doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to use it well, and if you are somehow crappy at giving oral then you’re pretty much doomed. I was with a guy who was an “A” by this chart’s standards but he was crappy with his equipment and he was crappy at oral. Sooo….yeah…screw the chart.

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