that was an okay movie nothing mindblowing but it was raining so i saw it with friends. i was in between about it, my friend thought it was good and my other friend wanted the writers to be run over by cancer. it could have been awesome but nothing was explained so obviosly we are now going to have to go see the next movie.
I loved this movie
I c whut u did thar…
Holy shit, I just realized that movie came out today.
I was looking at my watch this morning and wondered why the date, 1-18-08 looked so familiar…..
Um….that’s not clover, is it?
This looks more like moneywort or penneywory.
Looks like nasturtium. I’m pretty sure:
that was an okay movie nothing mindblowing but it was raining so i saw it with friends. i was in between about it, my friend thought it was good and my other friend wanted the writers to be run over by cancer. it could have been awesome but nothing was explained so obviosly we are now going to have to go see the next movie.