Nah, blind people have text readers on their computers. The real question is : do they have a better experience then most MCS surfers, due to being read the alt/text to every image?
There are special browsers that will automatically text-to-speech for the visually impaired. Websites that go out of their way to be handicapped accessible will have very descriptive tags on images for this purpose.
That should just about suck all teh funny out my little attempt at humor.
blackdog33 (#17955)
14 years ago
Well, well. A composit drawing of all my supervisors in a U.S. Gov’t office.
lol. it’s a dick in a tie.
thank you captain obvious. lol
I think natedog was just making the website more accessible to the blind.
This is where natedog should be pointing out that blind people cant read the comments.
i was going to but i couldnt stop laughing
Nah, blind people have text readers on their computers. The real question is : do they have a better experience then most MCS surfers, due to being read the alt/text to every image?
There are special browsers that will automatically text-to-speech for the visually impaired. Websites that go out of their way to be handicapped accessible will have very descriptive tags on images for this purpose.
That should just about suck all teh funny out my little attempt at humor.
Well, well. A composit drawing of all my supervisors in a U.S. Gov’t office.