You know, taking this seriously (as serious as one can on the internet) and putting myself in this person’s place… He knows he is going to die, he knows everything he believes in is considered to be a lie by the rest of the world. If I was this guy, I would feel proud that they let me be executed in my uniform. He is standing up for his country until the end. That itself is admirable, not the particular ideology he is endorsing.
@Drewlicious (and anyone else), I highly recommend the movie “Downfall”. Its a german movie about the fall of Berlin from the POV of the people in Hitler’s Bunker. It’s not sympathetic to the Nazis (that would be practically illegal in Germany), but it conveys a lot of the emotion of having everything crash down and how a lot of people were caught up in that mess who didn’t deserve to be.
I’m all about not being a sheep and having a contorted set of morals set up by people with an agenda.
That guy there could easily be a US marine some day if tides turn and someone else starts writing the history books.
btw it’s you’re not your.
Gilly (#734)
17 years ago
Yea, sure natedog, because US law & constitution are absolutely perfect. The best of the best of the best. Bar none. Absolutely non-plus ultra. Top of the line. As good as it gets.
I never said pronazi. What I did say was Nazi sympathizer. I cannot and will not ever understand why anyone can sympathize with Nazis. I don’t care how loyal to his people he was or how much that could have been a marine on the flip-side. In the end he was help fight a war which basically was for the elimination of all people who were not Aryan. A person who does that deserves no sympathy. He was not a hero or a great man, if he would have stood up to his people and said that the war was wrong and the beliefs behind the war morally unacceptable than he would have been a great man. In the end someone like him does not deserve sympathy and he got his just desserts.
@magnus Buttfoorson
o me so sry 4 not speling rite or havin badd gramr but this hear is teh interwebz and can care-less.
@Musashi1584, sympathizing is not the same as agreeing. Can you sympathize with what it would have been like to live in a country who’s economy was so screwed up that they were burning money for heat? Along comes this Adolf guy, he’s got some crazy ideas about race, but he gets results. He rebuilds your country and starts to get revenge on the other nations who screwed you over in 1918. Would you have the guts to stand up to that?
Hindsight is 20/20; don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes and all that crap.
my point is that US Law is the best for the US. Mexicans should not be governed by UN law. neither should Arab nations or African ones, or any nations.
i am talking about national sovereignty, not how my constitution can beat up your constitution.
There should not be a World Government with one set of laws covering everyone.
The Power should be reserved to local communities, not legislated across continents.
everyone should just mind their own fucking business.
im from cuba so yea i have an idea of what its like to live somewhere where everything is screwed up and you dont know if you will be able survive through to the next month. along came this Fidel guy who promised better times and fought for change with crazy ideas. the US thought it was a great time to help get rid of the mobsters who were ruining the country. as soon as castro came into power the cuban people realized that they had traded one devil for another and try to remove him but failed and in the end anyone who was anti-castro was killed. so yea like i said i think i might have an idea.
Great comparison.
Was every person who supported Castro a criminal and a monster, worthy of execution?
What about today, don’t you think a lot of people in the Cuban government are still just trying to help their country even if they disagree with the leadership?
Or do you think that they all should be executed by firing squad?
You can’t imagine sympathy for them because you’ve scarfed down the bullshit you’ve been fed about them being blood lusting, Ayran or nothing monsters which is total bullshit. TOTAL bullshit.
The beliefs behind the war…why don’t you tell us what those were. Since you’re such a fucking genius and know everything.
Or just shut up you little retard. You’re making a total fool of yourself. Go sound off to a grade 9 history class. People round here are a little too smart for you.
Actually, Mussolini and his mistress were shot by communist partisans (without a trial). Their bodies were then displayed publicly in Milano where the people took “revenge” on them by beating and kicking at the corpses as if they hadn’t followed the guy a few months before.
BTW: After the burial, Mussolini’s corpse was stolen by fascists and only buried in 1957 at Predappio, his birthplace.
The gun he was shot with is exhibited in a museum in Rome.
you don’t know the harm the cuban government continue to do to their own people and no i don’t believe anyone in the cuban government are doing anything to help the country. and yes i do think anyone who sides with castro should be punished not gonna bother trying to argue my point anymore because if you cant take the word of someone who actually lived it and seen it 1st hand theres no point . ive said my peace and im done.
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel –
“As head of the High Command of the Armed Forces, he was one of Germany’s most senior military leaders during World War II. At Nuremberg he was tried, sentenced to death and hanged as a major war criminal.” (Wikipedia)
That’s not a picture from Nuremberg, because the Wehrmacht officers in Nuremberg were not allowed to wear their insignia or orders. Ergo this can’t be Keitel.
Strike two, dikliker. I’ve been to Cuba loads of times. It kicks ass. Nothing being done to help the country? You have the best public health services on the planet. You sir need a brain enema.
I’m so sick of whiny ex-Cubans bitching about Castro. They complain about him being a problem, but then they ran away from their problem rather then trying to solve it. If you love Cuba so much, go back there and shut the fuck up, rather than sitting on your thumbs and waiting for another country to come in and save you. What a bunch of losers!
yeah, alec, don’t get me started on ex-Cubans. Most (but not all) were Batista supporters who deserved to get thrown out of power. Castro might have done some bad things, but he’s better than his predecessors.
When I was backpacking in South America this summer, I met a bunch of Cubans. They all thought that the US was more at fault for their country’s suffering than Castro, so I’m not going to tak Musashi1584’s word for it. Plus I learned that a rum and coke is called a cuba libre, which is hilarious.
Mushashi:: prove it. You say you’re in/from Cuba. Do we take your word for it? It’s a lot easier to make a point when you have solid examples or (this is for you reboot, lol) links. You want the “oh, we feel sorry for you, we’ll take your word now” reaction? give us a reason.
And the reason magnus is attacking you grammatically is because yours is atrocious. If you want to argue a point, at least make it readable enough that the rest of us are not too mired in mental spelling corrections to understand what you’re trying to get across.
reboot brings up a good point. If Cuba sucks, is it Castro’s fault, or the US Embargo? It’s kind of pointless to complain that Castro is depriving his people. It’s not like he’s stockpiling trade goods somewhere and keeping them from his people. So long as the US continues it’s pointless embargo, Castro has an easy scapegoat for any supply issues. Castro wins!
At first I thought it was Benito, but on second thought, who is that?
David Duchovny, that’s who!
This is some nazi general who commited war crimes in (i think) italy. I dont remember his name….
Besides, he was shot, not hanged.
Also, Benito was hanged by a mob. He and his wife/mistress was beat the shit out of AFTER getting strung up. Real fubar.
Kill him! He followed orders!
You know, taking this seriously (as serious as one can on the internet) and putting myself in this person’s place… He knows he is going to die, he knows everything he believes in is considered to be a lie by the rest of the world. If I was this guy, I would feel proud that they let me be executed in my uniform. He is standing up for his country until the end. That itself is admirable, not the particular ideology he is endorsing.
ahhh now all my questions about magnus has been answered with that. thanks mag now i know what your all about.
Wow this site is just littered with Nazi sympathizers it seems.
fuck international law.
fuck the Hague.
fuck all that noise.
The US Constitution and US Law should bow to nothing. This should apply to all nations.
@Drewlicious (and anyone else), I highly recommend the movie “Downfall”. Its a german movie about the fall of Berlin from the POV of the people in Hitler’s Bunker. It’s not sympathetic to the Nazis (that would be practically illegal in Germany), but it conveys a lot of the emotion of having everything crash down and how a lot of people were caught up in that mess who didn’t deserve to be.
@... Musashi1584 ; And how exactly is anyone being pronazi here?
I’m all about not being a sheep and having a contorted set of morals set up by people with an agenda.
That guy there could easily be a US marine some day if tides turn and someone else starts writing the history books.
btw it’s you’re not your.
Yea, sure natedog, because US law & constitution are absolutely perfect. The best of the best of the best. Bar none. Absolutely non-plus ultra. Top of the line. As good as it gets.
Sure, natedog. Sure.
I never said pronazi. What I did say was Nazi sympathizer. I cannot and will not ever understand why anyone can sympathize with Nazis. I don’t care how loyal to his people he was or how much that could have been a marine on the flip-side. In the end he was help fight a war which basically was for the elimination of all people who were not Aryan. A person who does that deserves no sympathy. He was not a hero or a great man, if he would have stood up to his people and said that the war was wrong and the beliefs behind the war morally unacceptable than he would have been a great man. In the end someone like him does not deserve sympathy and he got his just desserts.
@magnus Buttfoorson
o me so sry 4 not speling rite or havin badd gramr but this hear is teh interwebz and can care-less.
@Musashi1584, sympathizing is not the same as agreeing. Can you sympathize with what it would have been like to live in a country who’s economy was so screwed up that they were burning money for heat? Along comes this Adolf guy, he’s got some crazy ideas about race, but he gets results. He rebuilds your country and starts to get revenge on the other nations who screwed you over in 1918. Would you have the guts to stand up to that?
Hindsight is 20/20; don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes and all that crap.
no, you got me all wrong.
i am not saying that US law is the best.
my point is that US Law is the best for the US. Mexicans should not be governed by UN law. neither should Arab nations or African ones, or any nations.
i am talking about national sovereignty, not how my constitution can beat up your constitution.
There should not be a World Government with one set of laws covering everyone.
The Power should be reserved to local communities, not legislated across continents.
everyone should just mind their own fucking business.
Fremen for Ron Paul 2008
im from cuba so yea i have an idea of what its like to live somewhere where everything is screwed up and you dont know if you will be able survive through to the next month. along came this Fidel guy who promised better times and fought for change with crazy ideas. the US thought it was a great time to help get rid of the mobsters who were ruining the country. as soon as castro came into power the cuban people realized that they had traded one devil for another and try to remove him but failed and in the end anyone who was anti-castro was killed. so yea like i said i think i might have an idea.
Great comparison.
Was every person who supported Castro a criminal and a monster, worthy of execution?
What about today, don’t you think a lot of people in the Cuban government are still just trying to help their country even if they disagree with the leadership?
Or do you think that they all should be executed by firing squad?
You’re a fool.
You can’t imagine sympathy for them because you’ve scarfed down the bullshit you’ve been fed about them being blood lusting, Ayran or nothing monsters which is total bullshit. TOTAL bullshit.
The beliefs behind the war…why don’t you tell us what those were. Since you’re such a fucking genius and know everything.
Or just shut up you little retard. You’re making a total fool of yourself. Go sound off to a grade 9 history class. People round here are a little too smart for you.
Actually, Mussolini and his mistress were shot by communist partisans (without a trial). Their bodies were then displayed publicly in Milano where the people took “revenge” on them by beating and kicking at the corpses as if they hadn’t followed the guy a few months before.
BTW: After the burial, Mussolini’s corpse was stolen by fascists and only buried in 1957 at Predappio, his birthplace.
The gun he was shot with is exhibited in a museum in Rome.
you don’t know the harm the cuban government continue to do to their own people and no i don’t believe anyone in the cuban government are doing anything to help the country. and yes i do think anyone who sides with castro should be punished not gonna bother trying to argue my point anymore because if you cant take the word of someone who actually lived it and seen it 1st hand theres no point . ive said my peace and im done.
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel –
“As head of the High Command of the Armed Forces, he was one of Germany’s most senior military leaders during World War II. At Nuremberg he was tried, sentenced to death and hanged as a major war criminal.” (Wikipedia)
That’s not a picture from Nuremberg, because the Wehrmacht officers in Nuremberg were not allowed to wear their insignia or orders. Ergo this can’t be Keitel.
Strike two, dikliker. I’ve been to Cuba loads of times. It kicks ass. Nothing being done to help the country? You have the best public health services on the planet. You sir need a brain enema.
I’m so sick of whiny ex-Cubans bitching about Castro. They complain about him being a problem, but then they ran away from their problem rather then trying to solve it. If you love Cuba so much, go back there and shut the fuck up, rather than sitting on your thumbs and waiting for another country to come in and save you. What a bunch of losers!
@... Goldfinger
Thanks for clearifying, my bad 🙂
No problem. My time spent in university gotta be useful for something. Besides making extremely tasteless jokes about history/the past 😉
yeah, alec, don’t get me started on ex-Cubans. Most (but not all) were Batista supporters who deserved to get thrown out of power. Castro might have done some bad things, but he’s better than his predecessors.
When I was backpacking in South America this summer, I met a bunch of Cubans. They all thought that the US was more at fault for their country’s suffering than Castro, so I’m not going to tak Musashi1584’s word for it. Plus I learned that a rum and coke is called a cuba libre, which is hilarious.
Mushashi:: prove it. You say you’re in/from Cuba. Do we take your word for it? It’s a lot easier to make a point when you have solid examples or (this is for you reboot, lol) links. You want the “oh, we feel sorry for you, we’ll take your word now” reaction? give us a reason.
And the reason magnus is attacking you grammatically is because yours is atrocious. If you want to argue a point, at least make it readable enough that the rest of us are not too mired in mental spelling corrections to understand what you’re trying to get across.
I have no patience or mercy for racists and nazis. If you’re out there, do us all a favor and kill yourselves.
You’re a disgrace to the whitey race.
Ya cause only white people can be racist.
I have no patience for uppity, overly opinionated tardates. Do me a personal favour and forget how to breathe.
reboot brings up a good point. If Cuba sucks, is it Castro’s fault, or the US Embargo? It’s kind of pointless to complain that Castro is depriving his people. It’s not like he’s stockpiling trade goods somewhere and keeping them from his people. So long as the US continues it’s pointless embargo, Castro has an easy scapegoat for any supply issues. Castro wins!
Ya…and I pointed out how great Cuba is. It’s a freakin blast. Nothing but German and Canadian tourists and Cuban chicks in thongs. Oh and booze.
Who is Castro? Destro’s brother?
Sorry, but you’re wrong.
Benito Mussolini and his chick were both shot, not hanged. After the shooting, the corpses were tied up, but they died by shooting.
@... lolle23
I know. Goldfinger pointed it out for me 14 comments ago.