The Real Joker


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    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca



    No painted mustache = not real joker.


    Mark Hamill is the real Joker.



    Gary Generic

    I’ll go against the grain and say Jackie Boy was pretty entertaining as the Joker, but I’ve been itching to see what Ledger and Nolan have to offer us since they announced he was cast.

    Now if I could just get everyone on board my Ian McShane as the Penguin bandwagon…


    Umm no.

    Jack Nicholson didn’t even play the Joker.

    Jack Nicholson played Jack Nicholson….


    >Jack Nicholson played Jack Nicholson….
    but he was great in it!

    Gary Generic

    That’s an old argument among webnerds, but any bitchery in that regard should be directed at the casting director and the movie director. They wanted a Jack Nicholson-style Joker, and what better way to achieve that?

    Besides, I said he was entertaining, not the penultimate Joker incarnation.


    Go to any movie board, and they’ll claim he’s the only real Joker. Personally, I did think he was just playing himself. Let’s see what Nolan & Co. can do.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    “That’s an old argument among webnerds, but any bitchery in that regard should be directed at the casting director and the movie director. They wanted a Jack Nicholson-style Joker, and what better way to achieve that?”

    Unless you worked on the movie during casting you can’t really say that definitively. Jack Nicholson couldn’t have played that part any other way.

    The new one is just a better script. And so far it looks like it’s a better movie.


    While I will agree that yes, Jack Nicholson Joker was played as a crazy Jack Nicholson, that does not detract from his performance. He does crazy very well.

    Just because an actor plays to a specific kind of character mold, does not lessen his ability to accurately portray a character. I still contend that he was the best joker to date. It is entirely possible that the new joker could be better, but the jury is still out on that…


    i Liked his purpLe trousers….;)


    After all is said and done, Nicholson’s Joker had the world’s coolest gun, fookin’ massive 🙂

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