So they’re remaking this for american audiences. I doubt I’ll watch it, due to the fact that I’ve already seen the highly superior original version. Seriously, why remake it? It boggles the mind.
I have only seen a hand full of these but they are funny as hell. my favorite was the one where moss starts a fire and then sends an email to the fire department and ignores it.
I love watching crappy American remakes of British shows. The best was ‘Coupling’, not only because it was a remake of a (superior) remake, but because it was cast entirely with supermodels who were unable to act and who all looked exactly alike. I caught one episode, and despite having already seen the British counterpart, I couldn’t tell which character was which.
I was looking for pics of american coupling and found this:
In all fairness, Three’s Company and All in the Family Held their own, and The Jeffersons was far superior to any of those shows. If you want bad remakes, try Portuguese remakes. The Portuguese remake of The Office made me vomit for days, though the Portuguese remake of Friends wasn’t bad considering the source material.
Also, how in the hell have their not been remakes of ‘Fools and Horses’ and ‘Are You Being Served’. They were generic enough to be remade, and funny as hell. You think someone would have given it a shot.
A thousand deaths to the fool who tries to remake ‘Are You Being Served’. The cast and seting was just too perfect. There would be millions of people world wide reacting in much the same way as the shocked Mr. Granger if such a travesty were to occur. On that note I leave you with a simple request: “A glass of water or Mr. Granger.”
I have only seen a hand full of these but they are funny as hell. my favorite was the one where moss starts a fire and then sends an email to the fire department and ignores it.
Chap its cause the bloomin knobs over the pond can’t figure out the British language mate.
I love watching crappy American remakes of British shows. The best was ‘Coupling’, not only because it was a remake of a (superior) remake, but because it was cast entirely with supermodels who were unable to act and who all looked exactly alike. I caught one episode, and despite having already seen the British counterpart, I couldn’t tell which character was which.
I was looking for pics of american coupling and found this:
In all fairness, Three’s Company and All in the Family Held their own, and The Jeffersons was far superior to any of those shows. If you want bad remakes, try Portuguese remakes. The Portuguese remake of The Office made me vomit for days, though the Portuguese remake of Friends wasn’t bad considering the source material.
Also, how in the hell have their not been remakes of ‘Fools and Horses’ and ‘Are You Being Served’. They were generic enough to be remade, and funny as hell. You think someone would have given it a shot.
A thousand deaths to the fool who tries to remake ‘Are You Being Served’. The cast and seting was just too perfect. There would be millions of people world wide reacting in much the same way as the shocked Mr. Granger if such a travesty were to occur. On that note I leave you with a simple request: “A glass of water or Mr. Granger.”
Damned keyboard… correction: “A glass of water for Mr. Granger.”
I Love this series…!!
If this version has funny moments, it will be because of Moss.
I’m anxiously waiting for season 3.