a v p 2

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im a total dork and will probably be the only girl there but oh well.

watch the first five minutes here.

comes out on x mas.

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    i can’t wait i am so there.


    you won’t be the only girl 😛 i’m there for sure.


    No girls on the internet.

    Gary Generic

    Man, if only I were 12 again so I could be excited about this movie…


    Reliable sources have told me that it’s like the first one, just with lots of gore. The plot isn’t as cheesy, but it’s still pretty bad. There’s just lots of gore.


    i dont that many ppl are gonna care much for a plot.. just as long as theirs lots of alien carnage :p


    i think it’s pretty cool that a girl likes alien or predator ;)what’s not cool is the 1st movie, it sucked ass!!, this doesn’t look as bad though.


    Sister – if the first one hadn’t sucked so much ass I wanted to tear my eyes out and bleach them, I’d be right there with you. My bro and I play AvP: Gold and I am a huge fan of both sets of movies. The meeting of the two could have been done SOOOOOO much better.

    Hive Mind

    Yea, like in the Alien setting (future) not the predator setting (present day). Then it would have fit the games and everything the fans thus far wanted it to be.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    Aliens 3 & 4 sucked. Predator 2 sucked. AvP sucked. So that’s four movies in a row that have sucked and there are still some people who think this will be good? You’re like beaten wives that think this time will be different.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Hilarity I say!

    Though Alien 4 wasn’t that bad.

    Just not legendary like Alien, Aliens, and Predator.

    But ya…holding out hope is only natural. Without faith we wouldn’t be able to kill people in the name of God.

    The only difference is here we get some closure.


    AvP 2. ‘Cause AvP didn’t suck hard enough…


    If a movie sucks, at least make is bloody and gory as you can.

    Also, If you a girl, show us your boobies. Until then, we don’t belive it.

    Gary Generic


    Hey sis. They should definitely have called us before making this.


    don’t worry! you won’t be the only girl there!! i am SOOOO seein this movie, with or without my boyfriend!!!


    I don’t remember seeing previews for the first one, and was MIGHTILY disappointed with it when I saw it at theaters. The previews for this however, look fucking sick, and I can’t wait to check it out.

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