Rock Band Drums



I haven’t been able to play this yet, anyone try it?

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    My mate got to play rock band at trafalgar square, look up IGN superband. They played up against people who worked for “stuff magazine” . He played bass. They won, he won a copy, but it doesnt come out over here in england till next year,

    He has quite the wait! 😛


    People that play real drums seem to have issues, but otherwise they are a blast. With a mic stand you can play your band tours solo. Alternatively, wrapping the cord around your head head doesn’t seem to work very well. You may need Duct tape.


    I was playing a Demo with a couple of friends at Wal-Mart the other day.
    Eh, I didn’t think too highly of it. It had some decent songs, but the keys of the guitar are a lot harder (they are harder to press and making an annoying clicking sound) to use than Guitar Hero and are set up at the side of the guitar. Then again it was a demo and it was Wal-Mart, so the sets for customers are probably easier to use.


    The Guitar Hero controllers for all platforms are compatible with Rock Band, so you don’t need to use the Rock Band guitar.

    Alec Dalek



    One question.

    Where’s the hi-hat?


    It’s really good, My opinion is that the controller is better- the strum bar doesn’t click and it’s really sensitive. the presentation of the notes as bars rather than circles makes timing infinitely easier for me, and the keys are actually nicer because they’re bigger, and you can slide down them much easier. they feel much more responsive than the slushy GH keys.

    drums are hard, but that’s probably just because it’s a new format

    Alec Dalek

    These are not musical instruments, they are joysticks. If you think you’re something special because you’ve unlocked some achievement in RB or GH, you need to go watch this before it’s too late:

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    At least provide a link to the episode. The internet was invented for watching South Park


    Lord help me if I were to play a video game for FUN and not to feel like I’ve done something special, AlecDalek…

    Alec Dalek

    Oh, that’s okay, LonelyTylenol. I had GH2 and really enjoyed it. But it’s just a game. You are not learning how to “rock & roll” you are learning how to play Zelda.

    And it’s not like playing an actual guitar is that hard. Learn 3 chords and you are on par with over 50% of the recording industry.


    I’m actually a keyboardist by trade. Sure, it’s not exactly a guitar, but I do know my way around a musical instrument.

    That said, I’m also a fan of Guitar Hero, and I get more than my fair share of “lol lrn 2 play rl guitar”, like I have nothing better to do with my time. (I don’t, I’m just offended by the notion!)


    Same could be said about flight sims and WWII games. You can just counterattack telling them to get real guns and kill real people if they think they’re so badass by shooting at polygons.

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