I’m glad they figured out who is staying and who is going. I was rooting for 13 and the Indian dude that plays in Herold and Kumar(can’t remember his character’s name, or his matter-o-fact)
13… Yes 13.
Bitch has horse face. Plus I was a little confused after that last episode, after Cuddy (Cutty?) came in and talked to him, did he keep 13 and Bitch? He did fired them both. Wait, this is exactly what the interweb was invented for. Useless, yet intriguing information.
He fired The Bitch and 13, but then Cuddy told him that he could not have an all-male team; so, he hired back 13.
The Bitch was annoying; I wanted to punch her in the face.
The secret joke is that it’s supposed to be the same character from Harold and Kumar. His name on the show is Kutner but when you see it on the white board it’s spelled Kumar.
I deeply hate 13 and hope she will be fired with much speed and quickness. She’s even more annoying than Cameron. Also, I have come to realize that Omar Epps cannot act and I hope he too goes far, far away.
Also I badly want Chase back.
Seriously, why can’t House have an all male team? As a female I can say that wouldn’t offend me.
Wait, you actually want Chase back, don’t think Omar Epps can act, and think 13 is more annoying than Cameron? You obviously missed Seasons 1 & 2 (or you’ve forgotten).
He fired The Bitch and 13, but then Cuddy told him that he could not have an all-male team; so, he hired back 13.
The Bitch was annoying; I wanted to punch her in the face.
Thank you so much beep beep for ruining that for me while I’m still on episode seven. Really. Thank you.
Hey diabeetud/idqd/hnts/fagmonster. If you actually liked the show you’d keep up. i’m glad it got ruined for you because i hate you. LRN2WATCH the show
A. Not a horse face. You want horse face, go look at the British royal family.
B. Hawt. Girls with eyes like hers would have me saying “Would you like some more sweety?” as they consumed my heart, freshly ripped from my chest with a spoon, braised with garlic and onions, and washed it down with a nice chianti…
OK, so I suppose I wouldn’t actually be in any position to speak if that actually happened, but you get the idea…
I know I will be laughed at over this but what? Did you mean this?
And I googled rule 15 then looked it up on wikipedia and ED and I can’t find a reference that seems even remotely relevant.
Ah. I see. Thank you. Might I suggest however, that in future, you go with the classic. The Picard… Not so much. You really can’t go wrong with the classic… Seriously.
Gaexion, you’ll get tits when I get cock.
And at least I got the ascii art.
Upon further review I will concede that Cameron is more annoying than 13. Omar Epps acting talent seems to come and go. But I still want more Chase. It’s called eye candy people.
Do you even watch this show? This is 13, the hot one. The Bitch is the blonde ugly one.
Come on tiki you gotta keep up with this shit 😀
I’m glad they figured out who is staying and who is going. I was rooting for 13 and the Indian dude that plays in Herold and Kumar(can’t remember his character’s name, or his matter-o-fact)
She’s kinda bitchy, but not THE bitch 😛
She’s a pretty good character though. A desirable replacement for Cameron without actually trying to emulate her.
Tiki what the hell. Get your actors right. Also she is hot.
Its like saying that greedo shot first.
You know, I was always confused by the names they gave them all. Now it makes perfect sense.
Or not. whateva
in all fairness tiki was probably drunk when he posted it.
13… Yes 13.
Bitch has horse face. Plus I was a little confused after that last episode, after Cuddy (Cutty?) came in and talked to him, did he keep 13 and Bitch? He did fired them both. Wait, this is exactly what the interweb was invented for. Useless, yet intriguing information.
He fired The Bitch and 13, but then Cuddy told him that he could not have an all-male team; so, he hired back 13.
The Bitch was annoying; I wanted to punch her in the face.
@... Ironzombie
His name is Kal Penn and he was also in van wilder and rise of taj, he is a funy motherfucker in my opinion
The secret joke is that it’s supposed to be the same character from Harold and Kumar. His name on the show is Kutner but when you see it on the white board it’s spelled Kumar.
Although it has yet to be mentioned on-screen, 13’s name is Remy Hadley, and she can Remy my Hadley any day.
Ever see the Black Donneleys?
I deeply hate 13 and hope she will be fired with much speed and quickness. She’s even more annoying than Cameron. Also, I have come to realize that Omar Epps cannot act and I hope he too goes far, far away.
Also I badly want Chase back.
Seriously, why can’t House have an all male team? As a female I can say that wouldn’t offend me.
Wait, you actually want Chase back, don’t think Omar Epps can act, and think 13 is more annoying than Cameron? You obviously missed Seasons 1 & 2 (or you’ve forgotten).
Thanks gotorbroke 😀
AlecDalec is Correct!
Furthermore, the cut of his jib is superior to most.
He fired The Bitch and 13, but then Cuddy told him that he could not have an all-male team; so, he hired back 13.
The Bitch was annoying; I wanted to punch her in the face.
Thank you so much beep beep for ruining that for me while I’m still on episode seven. Really. Thank you.
Mikki pls to not be breaking rule 30 kthnxbai, and if u feel like arguing with me pls to be referencing rule 15 plskthnxbai.
Hey diabeetud/idqd/hnts/fagmonster. If you actually liked the show you’d keep up. i’m glad it got ruined for you because i hate you. LRN2WATCH the show
I have two comments:
A. Not a horse face. You want horse face, go look at the British royal family.
B. Hawt. Girls with eyes like hers would have me saying “Would you like some more sweety?” as they consumed my heart, freshly ripped from my chest with a spoon, braised with garlic and onions, and washed it down with a nice chianti…
OK, so I suppose I wouldn’t actually be in any position to speak if that actually happened, but you get the idea…
I know I will be laughed at over this but what? Did you mean this?
And I googled rule 15 then looked it up on wikipedia and ED and I can’t find a reference that seems even remotely relevant.
It would seem I are new to teh intarwebs.
Oh I get it now. I though Gaexion was drunk.
Kero said:
You know, sometimes I’m too busy with life to keep up with a TV show.
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OK. I’ll Bite. What in tarnation is ^^that!^^? I can make out a hand… Beyond that, I got nuthin’…
le sigh
lurk moar
Ah. I see. Thank you. Might I suggest however, that in future, you go with the classic. The Picard… Not so much. You really can’t go wrong with the classic… Seriously.
Gaexion, you’ll get tits when I get cock.
And at least I got the ascii art.
Upon further review I will concede that Cameron is more annoying than 13. Omar Epps acting talent seems to come and go. But I still want more Chase. It’s called eye candy people.
Didn’t ask, just posting in yet another epic thread.