Egad! That young woman is displaying not only her ankles, but her lusty young bosom as well! It’s enough to enflame the baser passions of any gentlemen. She’s doubtlessly naught but a thrupenny whore. Nevertheless, I shall repair to my bunk posthaste.
Egad! That young woman is displaying not only her ankles, but her lusty young bosom as well! It’s enough to enflame the baser passions of any gentlemen. She’s doubtlessly naught but a thrupenny whore. Nevertheless, I shall repair to my bunk posthaste.
Victorian Gentleman
Sure thing old-timer, you go do your bunk repairin’…
But I ain’t got no qualms ’bout hangin’ a woman fancyin’ skulls over live men…
A lass, poor Yorick.
“Howie Feltersnatch”