World’s Biggest Gun

tb_gun-lg-4.jpg (40 KB)

This is in a map in Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory

The strategic weapon of its day, the Gustav Gun was built at the direct order of Adolph Hitler for the express purpose of crushing Maginot Line forts protecting the French frontier. To accomplish this, Krupp designed a giant railway gun weighing 1344 tons with a bore diameter of 800mm (31.5″) and served by a 500-man crew commanded by a major general.

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    i remember playing this map in wolfenstein 🙂
    that ‘rail-gun’ is a beast

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    In its own little way this gun helped win the war, for the Allies. By the time it was completed, there were no major fortifications left in the fighting and air power had all but replaced long range artillery. You would have thought the Germans would have learned after the Paris Gun was a failure in WWI.

    Alec Dalek

    Now that’s “Dora The Destroya!”

    Alec Dalek

    Wait, how exactly did it help the Allies? The German’s just went around through Belgium.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    France was invaded in 1940. The Gustav Guns were completed in 1941.
    It was an enormous waste of resources that was used to counter an obsolute military doctrine,heavy fortifications. Like you said, in a age of mechanized armies going around the fortifications is easier than destroying them.
    Hilter wasted a lot his best engineers and scientists on projects like this, that not only didn’t work, but obviously would never work. It’s an important lesson for any military.


    Reminds of the GI Joe Thunderclap

    I freaking loved that set.


    No This was a major reason that the allies won, thousands of men where off the front line trying to get that huge thing in range… in which they never did.


    It looks like something out of the metal slug series.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    There’s three people in here arguing for the same point.

    This helped the Allies win.

    No you’re wrong…it actually helped the Allies win.

    You’re both idiots. This gun actually helped the Allies win.

    It makes me question what was actually won?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    PS: Thunderclap sounds like a kickass VD. Like SuperAIDS.


    You got that right, Magnus! Almost as bad as the dreaded Grape Nuts; made me give up breakfast cereal permanently!


    Hey! I love Grape Nuts!! You fiber hatin’ heathen!!!


    But what all of you aren’t comprehending is that GI Joe Thunderclap action figure vehicle set kicks ass!


    phreyblade: I (used to) love ’em, too, until I learned of the consequences, man! 😉

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