Sweet Dreams

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    Fucking creepy on a level that I didn’t even know existed, including knowing what’s on the internet.


    Honestly. Just a pic of the pillow would have been cute. That guy in there is just wrong. Like 5 thumbs on one hand wrong. Like two left feet wrong. Just… wrong.


    this is hard to admit but I have an invader zim pillow case with Gir in his dog suit. My wife bought it for me more as a joke then anything. i still have it she gave up trying to get me to get rid of it. Sad right.


    Ya know… I would buy a pillow like that.

    The anime chick and the Gir too.


    See here’s the thing. A pillow case with a cute girl on it, Invader zim, Naruto, Gir, Batman, Lucy Pinder, it’s all good. A SNES Mario Bros bedroom filled with actions figures in sealed ziplocked bags, a glassed in display of all of the star wars action figures in a china display cabinet, whatever, I can deal with that.

    This pic, however, transcends all of that and reaches new heights of creepiness. It’s that dude man. That look on the dude in the pic just ain’t right…


    What’s more disturbing, that you can’t see his hands. Neither the girls lower parts. Where are his hands? Where? WHERE?!


    Why you gotta ask the freaky questions? I hadn’t even thought that far into it and i was already creeped out…


    You know what made it super creepy?
    Asians with facial hair. Its why I don’t grow it. ONE! Mine comes out in patches. TWO! We usually just look like pervs.

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