HL1 Engine Games

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    UT > *


    UT…..No, HL1 was based on the quake engine at the time and was great, but I do love me some Source, except for counterstrike.


    Although I am a fan of UT2K4.


    I meant the whole series, not just the first game. I dunno, if I want a realistic first person shooter I’d rather go play Paintball or that Airgun thing.


    wow, day of defeat, I remember the original version when it first came out. I played Omaha for hours upon hours upon hours upon hours…


    If UT stands for “Unreal Tournament”, I’m going to have to carefully and slowly ask you if you’re fucking nuts. I’ve never played Unreal Tournament per se, but I have played too many games on the various unreal engines, and I gotta say, that thing is seriously crap. The responsiveness is crap, the intramodel targeting – or whatever you call it – is underdeveloped, it’s ugly on the best-looking games, the fact that the gun is to the right is distracting, it’s buggy. I could go on, but, really, the Unreal Engine is the world’s best simulation of wandering around killing shit in a wheelchair with a life-crippling, full body muscular disorder. They may as well just cross out whatever half ass plot they slap on those games and start them with “Stephen Hawking, your health and ammo warehouse has been taken over by aliens!”

    And I wouldn’t call Source realistic. Normally regular human beings can execute uncontrolled, gliding, 20-foot jumps.


    Oh, and might I add on the Unreal Engine thing: Aim? God forbid I get to aim in my FPS’s. I appreciate the challenge of button-mashing in the enemy’s general direction and hoping I hit something.


    Well it’s all about opinion. I hae Halo 3 while everyone praises it, I like Super Mario yet hate Metroid and Zelda, they bore the shit out of me. It’s all about individual taste, personally I don’t like CS because it’s too “realistic” for my liking. All the shops, the “human” weapons, the uninteresting theme of cops vs. robbers… it isn’t for me, otherwise I’d join the ARMY.

    I like the random pointless gory-yet-humorous killng of UY, yet I hate Serious Sam.

    An out of all FPS I’ve played, UT is the only one I go back to and actually enjoy replaying it. As far as ugly games go, I don’t give a shit about graphics seeing as I rather play UT than UT2004. I’m all for having fun, not worry about technical crap.

    And I can aim/shoot/hit just fine, so it must be something with you.


    Yeah I’ve played the main game, I have it laying around here somewhere but I just didn’ like it, same with Quake. I’m not trying to be biased but UT is the only one that I’ve been able to love time and time again.


    I kinda preferred Quake to UT. But I spent countless days playing DOD… I also have all of these. Just that Steam keeps freakin’ Borking on me… I really Hate Steam…

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