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    my head hurts now


    Now that is cool. Reminds me of one of the weapons in the movie cube.


    My eyes feel like they are bleeding…


    wait…so does the object exist in 4 dimensions because it can only exist in its other forms as time progresses?

    Moddy Cassem


    beep beep

    Anyone ever read the Heinlein short story called “And He Built a Crooked House”?

    Although I must admit I first thought of those “Cube” movies.


    No, I beleive a tesseract is defined by it’s fourth dimension, and not how it transforms over time.

    I think the idea with animations like these is to visually demonstrate what happens if you extend a cube into a forth dimension in any given direction (which is how a tesseract is defined).

    But I don’t think the way those illustrations change over time actually has any bearing on what a tesseract is.


    No, the changes cannot be depicted correctly, since during the transformation, it actually looses its cubic shape in favour of a more descriptive shape.

    At least that’d be one of my wild guesses. Care to prove me wrong?


    Don’t think anybdy’s gonna be proving you wrong any time soon. A tesseract can’t even be properly depicted as a 3d model, much less in 2 a dimensional animation…

    But that was an excellent bait attempt… LOL


    I loved the cube movies! That one crazy guy wearing like 20 of the same watch, and killing the same people over and over.


    I once drawn a 5 dimensional object, but sadly it made my paper to implode and turn into pure energy. Good times.

    Also, try to follow one edge on this animation, it surely can make you craaazyyyy


    The problem with a tesseract is that while it is four-dimensional, we can only perceive the universe in three dimensions. That means that to see a 4D object we have to “flatten” it somehow.

    Think of the two main ways to represent a 3D cube on a flat sheet of paper. You can either squash it (like a projection of a wireframe) or you can unfold it. The animated GIF above is an example of squashing. When you squash a cube into 2D, the squares are distorted into diamonds. In the same way, all the six-faced polyhedrons in the pic above are cubes that have been distorted.

    It’s pretty cool stuff. I love 4D geometry.


    Actually what you see up there is the 3rd dimensional ‘shadow’ of a fourth dimensional cube.


    So I watched the Hypercube because some of you guys said it’s good… My God, That Movie Was Fucking Horrible.


    QuantumStorm:”Actually what you see up there is the 3rd dimensional ’shadow’ of a fourth dimensional cube.”


    I never said it was particularly good. I did love the movie, but only because I found the idea of someone somehow managing to physically construct an honest-to goodness tesseract ludicrously cool…


    : yes the idea was realy god. The execution was horrible. I expected some cool and gory reality and time based traps, instead we got a spining deadly mass of CGI and some weird crystals. Also, the acting hurted my brain. And the “Hollywood Science” was so strong it was laughtable. “Let’s say it’s four dimensional.” But thats the time. A four dimensional cube is a physical cube sitting on your desk. “No, it’s just… have four ambit.” Yeah ok lol


    While you’ve been pondering the Depths of Space time, I’ve been wondering why this is under the tattoo’s category o_o


    exactly, JoeCrow. maybe it’s the current trend or something, 4D tatoo!!

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