I think the story of the girl on the left was she was killed by a serial killer. The guy owned a pig farm and was feeding the people he killed to his guests and his pigs.
Finally a respectable billboard from PETA. Maybe they are changing their ways. For people who want to know more about cruel factory farm methods please see this video. http://meat.org
Incorrect. On both counts. Mmmmmmmm… Meat!
Are you kidding? That’s a juicy cut of meat right there on the chin. And as for the hog…
I’d eat either one of them.
I think the story of the girl on the left was she was killed by a serial killer. The guy owned a pig farm and was feeding the people he killed to his guests and his pigs.
according to PETA:
1. its not ok to eat meat
2. pigs, apparently, are not meat.
thus we come to the conclusion that it must be okay to eat pigs.
Touche’ Ctrl-Alt-Elite, ahahah
I never thought I’d have an occasion to post this link: They’re made out of meat
The girl’s not meat either… dig in!
That why we should start buying Soylent stocks.
Ctrl-Alt-Elite, ima write them a email saying that
Yeah, honestly, they both look good enough to eat…
Those PETA folks are crazy…
Finally a respectable billboard from PETA. Maybe they are changing their ways. For people who want to know more about cruel factory farm methods please see this video. http://meat.org
Oh man those poor bulls, those poor delicious steaks bulls. I am against castration.
Nothing should have to grow up without it’s balls.
Meat. I love it. A lot. Give me. Now pleas?
Thank you Lord_Gorlock.
Can has pork chops and appl saus now pls?
I’m a vegan, but I have a sever interest in trying cannibalism. Is that wrong? Or is it right?
@RSIxidor: Human meat is not that great. To sweet and greasy.
mmmh, not loadng?!?