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    Thin that man’s eyebrows! Or shorten them a little, jeebus!


    There is nothing wrong with Sylar’s underbrows. NOTHING.


    What is an underbrow?


    It looks like someone pooped on his brow.


    Damnit, why do they curse me with the lack of an edit button! Why!


    The real hero of the show. I bet he can kill anyone with his eyebrows. With all that… MANLY EYEBROWS.


    Don’t get me wrong….my eyebrows are not pin thin, nor would they be better placed on some male model but I trim em up…and my chick plucks the ones that threaten to unify the opposing hemispheres of my “underbrow” 😉


    I actually prefer hairy men, but eyebrows like that are kinda scary. You’d be all staring into his eyes and stuff, and you’d say “Wow, you have beautiful ey…….LOOK OUT! THE CATERPILLAR INVASION HAS COMMENCED!” and hide behind a couch. Or at least I would.


    Nothing sexier than a man that wants to kill you.


    A woman that wants to kill me is better. If she has a gun, or a sword, or perhaps wants to strangle me with her thighs. That’s how I want to go. Slowly dying with the scent of Kristen Bell’s nether regions in my nostrils, looking up at her face between her breasts. Yeah….God I’m tired.


    I have swords and thighs that could crush an orangutan. Women like me need more guys like you in the world. 😛


    Yeah, well, wait for the zombie apocalypse. I’ll be the one that survives.


    Ok, Brig…..

    Let’s see ya…. whatchya got?


    See – that’s a trick question. I could post anything and claim it’s me. Or I could post me and you’d not believe me. So….what? 🙂


    So, be honest….and post you. Usually, a myspace site or something that has your same name is sufficient to prove that it’s really you. Now…if it’s a myspace with no friends and one picture I’ll call bullshit.


    I want to see what a woman that can crush an orangutan with her thighs looks like…


    Classic shot of The Boondock Saints!


    Regardless of whose myspace that is, that woman is damn sexy.


    Tell you what – I don’t want any half-wit board troll looking me up if I catch him/her on a bad day. You provide an e-mail address, I’ll provide a MySpace page.


    Yeah, that’s me – beat me to the punch 😛


    Sorry about posting it then…. I think, generally speaking, people are pretty courteous when it comes to the real people behind the handle. usually…


    They weren’t very curious about my “sexy witch” photo. :p


    Where’s your sexy witch photo??


    That’s ok – I haven’t had any seriously unpleasant run-ins on here. And really, this is the only place I frequent with any regularity at all. And I am a HUGE Boondock Saints fan.


    Oh, THAT picture! You’re right, they weren’t very courteous at all. 🙁


    oooohhh Courteous! I couldn’t figure out what she meant by curious…


    Oh, sorry, my brain must have farted. :p


    hahaha yuck, stinks in here…


    And thank you for the kind words, ladyoftheorb. I didn’t catch it until just now.

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