Gun Collection


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    “And thats my home defense arsenal… any questions?” lol


    And to think I waste my money on anime figures. 😛


    tiki god

    yeah, how much do you spend on ammo every month?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    In a perfect world, immediately after showing those off the owner would get eaten by a lion.

    Luke Magnifico

    Someone’s overcompensating.


    LOL no, I disagree. In a perfect world those would all be mine…

    BTW, does anyone recognize the 4th weapon from the top on the right hand side?


    ROFL that weapon, the 4th one on the right actually looks like a imperial blaster, you know storm trooper blasters.


    It’s a Sterling L2A2 or some such, I actually fired one in Iraq. LOT of climb on full auto.


    L2A3, my bad.


    Aaah. Good deal. It looked familiar, guess I’ve never seen one with the stock folded before. Thanks!


    Yeah, Star Wars (the REAL trilogy) used real guns, like, Han Solo used a Mauser Broomhandle, and even the E-Web was a real gun (I saw it in “Legionnaire” a Jean Claude Van Damme movie on USA) but I forgot the name of it. I’m both a geek, and a gun nut.


    Looked like an FG42 to me. 😀


    I was thinking of the Lewis Gun:

    You see sand troopers use it, in A New Hope:

    Still looking for the real life equivalent of the E-WEB.


    Hell, that could be anything, it’s so gussied up:

    I’m at a loss, anyone else willing to bring their knowledge to bear?


    Man, listen to you, jerking all over for some stupid killtoys.


    Guns are cool.


    Hepathos; that is what men do.


    I love that girl in the full auto vid, with the M-60. Naughty.


    Thrawn, I enjoy waching girl’s butts more. That’s just me.


    You guys are going to LOVE this one then…


    WHOOO BOY!!… Is it hot in here or… actually I think I just ‘Sploded… nvm…

    Boy, The guys filming must have one of the greatest jobs in the world. That was just plain hawt.

    Thing is, looking at how poorly some of those women handled their weapons, if I had been filming, I probably would have been too afraid for my life to enjoy it! Talk about shooting all over creation!! ROFL!


    No kidding! Their muzzle control was for shit and the one chick almost flew over backwards with the SAW or M60 (from memory, not sure if that’s what it was.



    I have a vid from Iraq of a female SSgt who can’t control the muzzle climb on some Soviet-looking Tommy-gun-looking thing. It also jammed like a mofo. Also got to fire a Dragunov. Hurt my shoulder, fucking recoil like a bastard.


    Well, upload that vid onto youtube and share it!


    K. I’ll link shortly.


    This is the one of the female. I should have one of the CWO firing a Beretta PM12 shortly.


    Beretta PM12, full magazine, full auto.


    Thanks schulzbrianr!

    BTW, That first “Tommy-gun” looking smg is actually a russian PPSh-41. They were designed to be sweeper weapons, just like the tommy gun, with a high ROF, and were used in the same way.

    Pretty sweet!


    NP. Thanks for the clarification. I don’t know if we just sucked, or what, but those damn things jammed so damn often on us. The bullet itself would get jammed back into the casing.

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