NSFW – Suicidal Ballerina

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Takedown notice:

You are currently displaying a photo under :Sexy, Wallpaper

NSFW – Suicidal Ballerina

This photo was taken by me and is copyrighted by me. The original image
is in a flash form on my site : www.koukei.com.au  I believe the image your displaying is from my selling site: koukei.deviantart.com/art/balance-III-51358323

Please remove this image from your site immediately.



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    Damn ladyoftheorb, that shit is TIGHT!


    Fucking classic, magnus.


    lol this has to be my favorite img on the site, just because of all the angry comments that it generated.


    LOL mAgnUS just made it so much better with the shop. Have Tiki upload that one!



    My image was given a name that misrepresents it.

    The tag (by tiki god) is insulating to the true owner.

    If I had not been told about the theft of my image what credit or benefit would I get out of it. Know one would know who took this shit image.

    and going by most of the comments, you don’t like my images. so why would you want them to stay.

    One day you might create something and have it fucked with by others, then you might understand why I’m been a pain in the ass.


    “If I had not been told about the theft of my image what credit or benefit would I get out of it. Know one would know who took this shit image.”

    “Shit image”? You are admitting it now?


    I ask again

    Please remove my image from this site. Then I will go away.


    1) Koukei, I’m guessing that you’re going to have to contact a lawyer because a) It’s the legal way to go about things; and b) Instead of filing a polite request, you antagonized the admin by spaming multiple threads to death and viciously insulting him before he had a chance to wake up. I’m sure if you had handled this in the polite way in the first place, Tiki would have taken it down, but when you act like this, he’s not going to do you any favours and why would he. Myself, at first I sympathized with you, but you’ve pushed it so far, I want to see if you actually are a successful 46-year old artist who can back up her trash talk by paying a third-rate lawyer the hour’s salary that this would take to resolve. Because if you were making money off your art, you could certainly afford that.

    2) You have got to be the worst Wapanese in the world. Japanese people would never actually act like this. Ausi crackers who go by Jap screen names and want to be taken seriously for anything aside from ‘love of guro’ generally carry themselves with the politeness and decorum we associate with Japanese in the non-pornographic parts of their lives. Your request is weakened because you seem like you’re some trash from a god-awful Melbourne suburb sitting on the library computer screeching ‘OHhh! Boody! I’ll pretend I’m this Japanese bloke! They’ve got such beautiful culcha!’

    Now go back in your hugbox.


    Why should i be polite to someone who has no respect for others work. It is good to see you agree that legal action will force him to remove my image. It is good to see you agrees he is stealing images otherwise I wouldn’t need a lawyer would I.

    I have tried the polite way at least 10 times before on other sites and it has never worked. I have the most success by publicly exposing the thief.


    lol you win.

    “I have tried the polite way at least 10 times before on other sites and it has never worked. I have the most success by publicly exposing the thief.”

    Tiki actually has NO SHAME, public humiliation (Especially on a site that he owns, full of people who like him a lot more than they like you) won’t work.

    Also what kind of fucking artist are you? who makes art and then complains when people like it and show it to other people? What the fuck? “Wah wah wah thousands and thousands of people are seeing my work!!! QQQQQQQQQQ” SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    The whole point of being an artist is for people to see and like your work, not to be a fucking douche whenever someone else notices it. No wonder no one fucking visits your site. I hope you die.

    Also just because being nice didn’t work with other people doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole all the time. Again I say, had you simply emailed Tiki politely in the first place, I guarentee you he would have removed the image. Swaering at people, or doing w/e ladyoftheorb did isn’t the way to get things done :).



    This is the funniest thing I’ve read in this whole thread.






    I’d be pretty fucking happy if all these people saw my work. I certainly wouldn’t threaten leegahl action for it.

    Good shit here – www.youtube.com/profile?user=egnilk66

    By egnilk66, credit to egnilk66. Copyrights = egnilk66. If you want to share my stuff with 100,000 people and not tell them who I am, be my guest. egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66 egnilk66egnilk66 egnilk66

    egnilk66 was here.


    theft is theft and I will not stop till my image is removed from this site that supports theft


    Supports theft? I know I make monthly donations to the thieves guild.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    “theft is theft and I will not stop till my image is removed from this site that supports theft”

    Unless you blocks your IP from being able to access the site.

    Then you’re completely fucked.

    Go to a lawyer like I told you do.

    What’s the expression? Your actions on here (which are actually admissible in court) are already enough for a counter suit. You’ve essentially provided enough….rope to hang yourself with.

    So despite you thinking you have all the control in this exchange it’s become increasingly clear, I expect even to you, that you have none.

    So cry thief and expect anyone to give a shit. When tiki feels the needs it’s a simple matter of a looking at your respective IP and going through the cpanel to block it from accessing the site.

    Then you’re fucked.

    So fuckoff.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Unless you blocks your IP from being able to access the site.


    Sorry, I’m still half asleep…


    Unless he blocks your IP from being able to access the site you stupid fuck.


    While it is not at all illegal to post a random image, it IS in fact illegal in many juristictions to threaten litigation when you demonstrably have no intention or ability to carry out such a threat…

    Billy Manic

    Put. It. Back. Up.




    Bump, ’cause I love this thread.


    nyokki: You can’t really bump posts on MCS because it won’t go to the top of anything like a forum…


    casemods: You saw it. ;<)

    But it does show up on the RSS feeds and in the emails of all those that subscribed.


    nyokki: I didn’t “see” it, I was notified via email 😉


    casemods: I believe that was my 2nd way to “bump” a thread.


    This guy was such a douche.


    Very much the troll…even if it was his work.


    natedog was here when he had no business being here


    Man, I feel bad.

    Worst part is, I don’t even remember the image.


    Oh, Magnus posted it again.


    Now that I think about, I probably found it on some random image dump blog.

    If I’d known the original owner, I definitely would have credited it.


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