“I’ll suck yo dick!!”
I can has chikun?
Whatchoo tawkin bout, mister?
nostrils so big, great for *sniff*sniff* smelling with.
I see white people!
This kid has become a Fark.com cliche, and was the subject of an epic photoshop thread years ago. Anybody have a link to that? I couldn’t find it.
Holy shit, it’s the spawn of Bill Cosby.
Someone has some fried chicken, he can smell it.
You tried them special brownies?!!?
It’s young Henry Earl!! http://www.monkeygumbo.com/wee/news/henryearl/mugshots/E126958.JPG
Dammit, I thought this thing died years ago. Someone get a rule 34 on this.
“I’ll suck yo dick!!”
I can has chikun?
Whatchoo tawkin bout, mister?
nostrils so big, great for *sniff*sniff* smelling with.
I see white people!
This kid has become a Fark.com cliche, and was the subject of an epic photoshop thread years ago. Anybody have a link to that? I couldn’t find it.
Holy shit, it’s the spawn of Bill Cosby.
Someone has some fried chicken, he can smell it.
You tried them special brownies?!!?
It’s young Henry Earl!!
Dammit, I thought this thing died years ago.
Someone get a rule 34 on this.