FEMA Gold’n Ticket

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    I can only guess this ticket wasn’t found on any of the floating dead bodies.

    Wonderful how the right-wing retards line up to blame the victims, while refusing to take any responsibility for their own incompetence and stupidity.


    and I love how the left-wing retards knew what the situation was and did nothing significant to prevent it anyway. The hurricane was a tragedy. That doesn’t give FEMA or any other federal agency free rein to mismanage federal funds to such a gross extent as has been demonstrated. But you know what the best part is? It’s been 2 years and the problem STILL hasn’t been fixed! Isn’t that beautiful? Let’s all step up and give a hearty round of applause for fiscal and social responsibility! *insert golf clap here*


    How about the “refuges” that were put up with hotels for months and months in cities around the country, yet couldn’t manage to get a job.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    “The two audits found that up to 900,000 of the 2.5 million applicants who received aid under FEMA’s emergency cash assistance program — which included the $2,000 debit cards given to evacuees — were based on duplicate or invalid Social Security numbers, or false addresses and names.”
    Katrina was total f*ck-up for left-wingers and right-wingers.


    I was there during the after math.

    What I saw was shocking….

    Not in terms of human suffering….

    People had warning, they knew, should have moved. Their leaders should have lead.

    But the management of it all was amazingly poor. You can rail of FEMA all you want; but the people at FEMA did everything they were supposed to do. AND MORE. They went above and beyond.

    What you should be asking is where was LEMA? Or the Louisiana Emergency Management Agency? Every State, Commonwealth, and Territory has one, and they had one then.

    I saw no State leaders when I was there.
    I saw no LEMA Equipment.
    I saw no LEMA Supplies
    I saw no LEMA staff members
    I saw no LEMA Volunteers

    I saw TEMA (Texas)
    I saw Equipment from Texas
    I saw Texas Supplies
    I saw Texas EMA Staff members
    Texas was hit with the same hurricane, just has hard. Smart enough to be above sea/lake/river level. Texas was again hit 2 weeks later. The hurricane barely touched LA.

    I saw CEMA (California)
    I saw Equipment from California
    I saw California Supplies
    I saw California EMA Staff members
    I saw California Volunteers
    California was in the middle of fighting wildfires

    I was Equipment of PEMA (Pennsylvania)

    I saw Equipment from Pennsylvania’s EMS
    I saw Pennsylvania Supplies from PEMA
    I saw Pennsylvania EMA Staff members
    I saw Pennsylvania Volunteers
    I deployed with the 56th BDE
    I know members from EVERY EMS Council in the Commonwealth of PA deployed.

    I saw people and supplies from nearly every State except LA and Mississippi. Mississippi was hit just has hard has LA. They of course, followed the game plan, did the right thing, and got much less help.

    I know NONE of us got leadership at the State Level.
    I Know The GOVERNEROR of LA REFUSED to call up her national Guard. Only she can. The Commander in chief of the National Guard is the respective State Governor. Pres. Bush can not call on them.


    The Governor of LA REFUSED TO allow the Federal Government take charge when they requested. The request was made because it was obvious the State of LA was both incompetent and negligent. The request was made because power goes from The People, to The State, to The Federal Government

    The Mayor of N.O. did not order an evacuation in a timely manor.
    The Mayor of the Parish of N.O. Refused to allow the Red Cross to set up in the super dome before the Hurricane struck. He refused entry of Red Cross supplies.
    He did not follow the plans laid out by LEMA, FEMA or the Army Corps of Emgineer.

    The people of New Orleans re-elected Mayor Nagin
    The people of LA. Re-elected Governor, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
    They got what they deserved. The next time a hurricane strikes, they should have to take care of themselves. Like they are supposed to.

    Doubt me? How many FEMA classes have you taken.
    What Training?

    Michael Chertoff, secretary of Homeland Security, explained on September 4 that “the way that emergency operations act under the law is, the responsibility and the power, the authority, to order an evacuation rests with state and local officials. The federal government comes in and supports those officials.”


    On August 26, 2005, the National Hurricane Center predicted for the first time that Hurricane Katrina would become a Category 4 storm, and thus exceed the design limits of the New Orleans levees.[8] That same day, Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco declared a state of emergency.[9]
    On August 26 Mayor Nagin advised New Orleanians to keep a close eye on the storm and prepare for evacuation. He made various statements encouraging people to leave without officially calling for an evacuation throughout Saturday the 27th before issuing a call for voluntary evacuation that evening. He stressed the potential danger posed by Katrina by saying “This is not a test. This is the real deal.” He was hesitant to order a mandatory evacuation because of concerns about the city’s liability for closing hotels and other businesses.[10] Nagin continued to announce that the city attorney was reviewing the information regarding this issue and once he had reviewed the city attorney’s opinion he would make a decision whether to give the order to evacuate the city.
    On Sunday morning August 28, Katrina became a Category 4 hurricane,[11] and Nagin declared a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans
    Katrina shifted eastward approximately 15 miles from its expected landfall point, which was to be a direct hit on the city of New Orleans, only a couple of hours prior to making landfall, minimizing the anticipated wind damage to the city


    Hundreds of New Orleans’ buses — which might have been used for evacuating poor or elderly people — to sit idle in parking lots that were part of the first sections of the city flooded.

    For the record.

    The Matrix: Rebooted

    GrandAdmiralThrawn, are you saying that you were personally in NO? Because a lot of what you posted is from a chain email that was shown to be false


    Yes reboot, I am saying that I was personally in N.O. I did several missions in and around N.O. Parish; I was stationed in Jefferson’s Parish, just outside of N.O. Parish, at Riverdale High school.

    I missed my first semester of college.

    I personally saw everything I stated.

    The quotes can be found on Google, from news and/or other well known sources.
    Florida gets hit with storms of the less or same or greater power, usual multiple times a year. They have it down to an art. They have a plan.

    From your link
    I read you link, and found nothing that I posted to be false. The Gov. Declaring a State of Emergency is not activating the National Guard. An example would be Cally right now. They have been in a state of emergency for several days because of wildfires. The Guard was only called out within the last day (or two)


    Interestingly the Riverdale “Mascot” is the Rebels.
    The rebels depicted throughout the school are all fair skinned and red haired, looking Irish/Scottish, wearing kilts and such. Riverdale’s student body is a majority black, and I saw no students with red hair.

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