I’ve added a feed for the last 25 comments. Also, many of you (about 50 of you last count) have pointed out that there’s something all messed up with the image links, in that they’re not taking you to a larger picture, it’s just linking back to the post that you’re already at. Which sucks. I have a team of crack monkeys on the issue. No wait, a crack team or code monkeys.
A team of crack code monkeys?
Thank you Tiki, thank you crack.
Just right click, and hit view image, then take the .thumnail out
While your monkeys are at it, could you ask if they can restore the feed that allows to see NSFW images directly from the RSS reader?
but Casemods, that way there’s an ugly big watermark on the pic!
Yeah, any chance that the watermark could be removed until the team of crack monkeys fix the problem?
Could it possibly be due to the fact that you need a certain amount of php RAM allocated in order to successfully generate a cache (of which, the limitation is based on pixel dimensions, and resolution, not necessarily file size) so you may need to modify your php.ini file in order to allocate yourself more ram.
Sorry, too many people have asked for them to be click through only, due to viewing of RSS feeds at work / home with kids
@everyone asking about watermarks
got it fixed. booyah.
now I need to go back and fix all the posts that are currently fubar’d