That’s a simple 45 caliber colt. The long barrel makes it kick less since more powder has time to burn before the lead leaves the barrel and the extra weight of the barrel adds more mass to the weapon. The longer barrel also makes it more accurate since the sight radius (the distance between the front and rear sight) is longer. A weapon with a 2 inch barrel and a 12 inch barrel are equally accurate. The human firing them is the weakness. It’s easier to keep the weapon on target if you have a long sight radius. The bullets aren’t blanks, they’re wadcutters. Wadcutter ammunition is a flat front bullet that fits entirely within the brass. It’s mainly used for target shooting since it cuts a clean hole in a piece of paper.
Cool pic. Is that the gun the Joker used to shoot the Batwing in the first movie?
And those aren’t blanks, I’m hoping they are shotgun shells.
Those shells are called “WAD CUTTERS”.
Shotgun shells in a pistol? The recoil on that must be a bitch!
Why would propelling less mass cause more recoil?
With a barrel bore like that, the recoil’s going to tear your arm off no matter what you’re firing out of it.
My god, think about just trying to aim that sucker. It must be murder on your wrist.
Overcompensation, lollercakes.
You don’t aim this gun, you pray.
That’s a simple 45 caliber colt. The long barrel makes it kick less since more powder has time to burn before the lead leaves the barrel and the extra weight of the barrel adds more mass to the weapon. The longer barrel also makes it more accurate since the sight radius (the distance between the front and rear sight) is longer. A weapon with a 2 inch barrel and a 12 inch barrel are equally accurate. The human firing them is the weakness. It’s easier to keep the weapon on target if you have a long sight radius. The bullets aren’t blanks, they’re wadcutters. Wadcutter ammunition is a flat front bullet that fits entirely within the brass. It’s mainly used for target shooting since it cuts a clean hole in a piece of paper.
Finally a non-cartoon answer