Tony Jaa




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    Don’t go fucking with Muay Thai. It’ll kick yer ass.

    I see a watermark in the bottom right corner. I thought that was a no-no.


    I realize his foot is supposed to represent the trunk of an elephant but that’s a great way to get your ankle broken by your opponent. I was taught to poing that toe out at a 90 degree angle. You might only get a toe broken that way…. you can still fight with a broken toe….not really with a broken ankle.

    My $0.02


    Muay Thai Badasses:

    Buakaw por. Pramuk
    Ramon “The Diamond” Dekkers

    Two of my faves anyway.


    lol the american release of the Protector.

    True fact: If you see an azn person doing something azn and an australian talking in an australian accent you immediately lose your faith in america and Jesus and turn to a life of homosexual rape.




    They told you to point your toe?! Hell yeah you’re going to break it. Kick with the ball of your foot and curl your toes up. You can strike much harder than with your toes pointed and you won’t break anything at all.


    **giggles** Caio. Although, I have no idea what you are talking about, I have a feeling I do not want to.



    When you’re checking the round kick…. cuz….that’s what he’s doing. Not when you’re kicking.



    But, thanks for the advice.

    tiki god

    watermarks are a major no no, but that’s a link back to the dude’s website. and when he says jump, I jump.



    Gotcha…. I just have to get my digs in…you know how it is…


    Well, basically, some American company bought the North American distribution rights to one of his movies, and decided that it was too Asian for American audiences. So they edited out half an hour, and changed what the subtitles said: That is, what they were saying in Thai had nothing to do with what the english at the bottom said. But the catch is that this movie takes place in Australia, and almost half of it is in English, but because they had to change so much of the plot to Americanize it, they overdubbed a lot of the Australians with American accents. Some of the Ausis even switch between US and Australian accents.

    It’s really bullshit, the idea that Americans are too stupid/racist to be exposed to anything too foreign. Any american that would watch a Thai movie is going to be expecting stuff that’s Thai, goddamnit.

    Tom-Yum-Goong/The Protector is one of the best martial arts movies ever made outside of HK. If you ever want to watch it and you live in North America, download it, because the original version is a hell of a lot better. I have no problem with that. If they can’t give me the movie I’m paying in full with dialogue, then I’ll get the original for free.


    That’s incredible. Americans Americanizing everything. Why must they do this? The world is filled with beautiful and interesting cultures (and Australian accents which make me giggle) and America seems to have the habit of trying to change everyone.

    So, to make this image properly American, I invite someone to color this mans skin white and paint his shorts red, white and blue. Oh, oh and have him holding a can of Bud lite, and put a caption that says: “yup” on it too.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I watched a couple of that guys Thai movies (no not the American release) and they sucked planetoid sized balls. I mean it’s cool to watch him do his thing but the actual movie portions made Jackie Chan’s stuff look like Proust. Which is a shame. I don’t know why martial artists have been damned to serving up tripe written by functional retards in between risking their health and safety for even more dangerous stunts.

    btw kicking is for girls and midgets.



    ED, you are as ignorant as the people you mock.


    You should fight me and see how girly my kicks are. and I assure you my head kick is like the weight of a midget to your head. You are also an ignoramus for making that statement.


    Muay Thais is the real deal….it’s not Karate or Aikido or whatever the fuck those arts are. Most of those are only really practical against someone doing the same thing. Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu together make MMA/UFC/Pride. Does Magnus really thing those guys are Girls or Midgets?


    egnilk66 using the American way and threatening the foreigner with a head kicking, to conform to his point of view.

    Obviously someone is unacquainted with some other peoples sense of humour, which makes HIM ignorant. Take it as you list.


    I think I should also add that if Zombie Dave Thomas wants to assimilate the world, be my guest.


    I remember renting this movie (The Protector) from Blockbuster and it has both versions in it. I watched the original version, than the US cut. I had to shut off the US version after 15 minutes because they totally butchered the story. For example, I remember the father being wounded in the original, but in the US version, he dies. They had to simplify the movie to a basic revenge story for the US audience. Absolutely terrible.

    BTW, Ong-Bak was better.


    Nice backpedal. Don’t trip on your way back.

    BTW, I didn’t threaten….I invited. To threaten would be to say, “Hey you fucker…I’m gonna KICK YOU IN THE HEAD!!”



    Some peoples’ humor….isn’t funny to anyone but himself. And some peoples’ humor is taken not as humor but as something they really mean. So for Magnus to say, “btw kicking is for girls and midgets.” isn’t really funny as it sounds like he thinks that to be the truth. Maybe one of his D&D buddies told him that…not sure. But…I am almost certain that Magnus lives in his mother’s basement or attic and is as light in shade as his pigment will allow him to be and has probably never felt the effect of a kick by a girl, midget, or man… …or the touch, at all for that matter….of a woman.


    Your point?

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    I’m going to go out on a limb and guess your legendary kicks are about as powerful and devastating as an old woman’s farts. But you keep believing in yourself. It’s healthy to have any ego. Well until you turn drinking age and mouth off to someone at a bar about your killer kicks and they beat your stupid ass unconscious. That’s assuming a severe beating isn’t what caused you to be such a fucking idiot already.

    You did threaten you pissant little homo. Then you cited what you perceived to be back peddling while you back peddled. I think the gerbil you shoved up your ass has Lemmywinked it’s way up into your brain.

    Are you familiar with ‘projecting’? It’s when your own self deprecating fears come out in the form of non nonsensical accusations or in your case faggotry. Though I’m not sure you’re actually projecting. I think you’re just regurgitating insults you heard 10 years ago and thinking maybe 1 or 2 people on the internet may not have heard them before. For future reference substitute D and D for Halo or WOW.

    In conclusion you’re a fucking loser. You’re such a pansy little douchebag. You’re typical and sad and no matter what you type on here the only kicks you should be really worried about are the ones life keeps delivering swiftly and repeatedly into your tiny little hairless balls.


    I liked brotherhood of the Wolf better.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I forgot to add that this Muai Thai or whatever he fuck it is is total bullshit. It’s a trend like the motherfucking karate kid and anyone who buys into it is a moron.

    “No wait…it has ancient history and you’re gonna get wrecked this is the ultimate!”

    Fuckoff limp dick. Only cowardly little retards commit themselves to something as stupid as martial arts fighting nowadays. The most base level intellect is required to think that you’ll ever get to use it for anything constructive. I mean look at the Chicago way. You bring a bat…wait…we’re already ahead of egnilk66 and his stupid girl kicks. And we only got to bat.

    Not matter how much you practice, egnilk66, it’s never going to make it any bigger. It’s always gonna look like a pink olive and there’s nothing you can do but cry. Cry and practice your flying asshole kicks.


    “I think the gerbil you shoved up your ass has Lemmywinked it’s way up into your brain.”

    I almost blew my drink out my nose, along with my Gastrointestinal tract.



    You are a funny fuck…that’s for sure. It’s a good thing that your parents bred that into you, as you’ve probably nothing else. I am well beyond drinking age and would be happy to do more than talk shit on the internet. You have far more words and warm wind than I do and have a gift for eloquently looking like an anus. You were obviously raped by your uncle and are the one projecting. It’s ok though… someone loves you. It might only be that hairy mother of yours but she’s someone to you.


    OH yah…Keep it up with the WOW and/or Halo….those will get you far in life.


    Hey Magnus….what would you do if confronted physically?? Might you cast a spell or bust out your phaser canon? wtf would you do? After you shit your pants you could try throwing said shit at your opponent….

    Don’t be mad at me because you fail at real life.


    Whereas Martial arts, (which is, learning to scream like a small Asian man getting raped, how to properly attack and break in two a unsuspecting piece of wood,) will get you much further then video games.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    “You are a funny fuck…that’s for sure. It’s a good thing that your parents bred that into you, as you’ve probably nothing else. I am well beyond drinking age and would be happy to do more than talk shit on the internet. You have far more words and warm wind than I do and have a gift for eloquently looking like an anus. You were obviously raped by your uncle and are the one projecting. It’s ok though… someone loves you. It might only be that hairy mother of yours but she’s someone to you.”

    Translation: I admit Magnus is WAY funnier than I could ever even pray to be and I’m not all too swift in general but it’s okay because I don’t even have the excuse of being too young to know any better to fall back on.

    Way to tell me off you anal fissure.

    And I invite you to revisit what I said regarding WOW and Halo. I never said I was into them, I just said if you’re going to use a lame fucking joke at least do it with something current.

    *note* I might buy Halo 3 at some point because GTA4 has been delayed until next year and I have a new big ass TV to do something with.

    I mean let’s even just analyze the uncle raping. Obviously? You stated there that I was obviously raped by my uncle. How is that made obvious? See how that came out of nowhere? Like everything else you said you’re either barfing up stale garbage or you are indeed projecting and in doing so venting on some pretty comical stuff. Not funny as in haha this guy is hilarious look at his carefully constructed insults. More like, wow this egnilk66 fucker needs to take his meds and shut the fuck up because this ain’t group therapy for mongos.

    The plush, ripe, and glistening cherry on top of all of this is nutsack makes a point of saying playing video games will not get you far in life (it’s called entertainment you dumbshit. Some of us have careers and when we relax we can afford the luxury of one of them thar videar games dem kids yoos sees talkin bout all der tame.) but in his warped little malleable puss puddle of a brain he’s fully convinced he can flying asshole kick his way to success.


    magnus you are dumb, i guarantee you that if you fought anybody that is good in martial arts with a bat they would kick your ass.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Hey egnilk66,

    If you get confronted physically back the fuck down you idiot. All the stretching and kicking won’t mean fuck all if someone…oh I dunno…shoots you. Haven’t you seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? As stupid as it sounds, that is what will happen to you.

    Or are you expecting to disarm them with your faggot-fu?

    Whatever…people like you deserve what they get. I haven’t been in a fucking fight in years. I can tell you flat out that in a real fight all your little grand standing and poses don’t mean shit. While your posing off and arching your foot I’m kicking your balls and ripping your ear. (30 pounds of pressure to rip an ear off btw)

    Moron. Go grab some lube, throw on your DVD of the best of UFC and leave this site alone.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    You can’t guarantee that at all.

    This warranty is bullshit.

    I can guarantee that you’re a fucking idiot though with a false sense of security brought about by your black belt (ooooo woooooooooooow) holding teachers bullshit.

    Thanks for chiming in. Next caller…


    Okay, you come to Jacksonville Fl, bring a bat and fight me.



    All of your big words and bullshit aside…. Do you know anything about Muay Thai? Poses??? WTF are you talking about? It’s kickboxing, smart one. Thrown in elbows and headbutts….that’s Muay Thai. It’s no “Martial Art”….it doesn’t have poses and whatever you think. It’s knock down drag out brawling.

    “Whatever…people like you deserve what they get. I haven’t been in a fucking fight in years. I can tell you flat out that in a real fight all your little grand standing and poses don’t mean shit. While your posing off and arching your foot I’m kicking your balls and ripping your ear. (30 pounds of pressure to rip an ear off btw)

    You really are….even though you have a large vocabulary….an ignorant douche bag. People like me deserve what they get? Who are people like me and what do we get? Wait….you’ll kick my balls??? Like a girl and a midget would do?


    BTW, your side notes like “*note* I might buy Halo 3 at some point because GTA4 has been delayed until next year and I have a new big ass TV to do something with.” and “(30 pounds of pressure to rip an ear off btw)” make you look even lamer than the rest of your swill.


    Watch out mAgnUS! Many hours of playing Battlefield 2 have turned knogoodidleft in to a killing machine.


    hell yeah lol… actually if you look at my medals and compare them to others i haven’t scratched the surface, and if you go down a lil bit is my myspace…havent logged in a while…mmm


    Wow! I almost crapped myself. Everyone knows that only the toughest and most dangerous people play Battlefield 2 and have MySpace accounts.


    the lol after hell yeah was meant to make it funny


    I would like to thank egnilk66 and Magnus for providing me with some entertainment this afternoon.

    Bof you have a gift for slinging insults. They were so funny that I am sitting here laughing my ass off with tears in my eyes (the lemmywinks comment was the best). I plan to use some of them in the future.

    Thanks again, and if anybody ends up in a physical confrontation over this I would like the YouTube or Break link.


    knogoodidleft, you succeeded in making it quite funny 😉


    aww come on don, we all know only the most ultimate bad asses play bf2, have a myspace, and eat cereal without milk. is there anything more hardcore than that combo?!


    Perhaps watching “My little pony tales” in your Rosie O’Donnell knickers while singing “Three little maids from school” in between giving wild boars pedicures. Thats the only thing that comes to mind immediately.


    “Rosie O’Donnell knickers”, im crying, you win. Those dudes must get all the chicks

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    People like you: Man-boy motherfuckers who think learning to swing their little legs makes then invulnerable. People who sit around dwelling on what they’ll do if anyone ever tries to take their lunch money again. Grown up dipshits who walk around 80% scared all the time and like to talk about how tough they are. People who think anyone cares about their love for something as retarded as the ancient art of self defense from a country who’s biggest GDP is pussy. People who need a wake up call.

    People like you.


    Florida? You’re from the land of Depends undergarments and Mickey Mouse and you’re trying to sound tough? What are you going to do? Throw a fucking orange at me? You should have said you were from Cuba. Cuban people are great and awesome. I’m not Cuban but I’ve been to Florida (your state is a shit hole) and I know how much the native Floridians love Cubans. I’m going on your Myspace now and posting a funny picture. Possibly with sparkling text and misspelled words.

    egnilk66 again,

    My side notes are both true. It makes sense that reality confuses you though since you apparently exist so disconnected from it. My point about the ear is your little fighting crap is useless. It’s stupid. It’s something most people realize and grow out of when they’re very young. While you try to kick and headbutt your way to the top any number of variables could result in you getting the fucking hell beaten out of you. Like another guy coming up behind you. Or a gun. Or the guy ripping your ear off your head. Understand? Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to understand much.


    How do you come up with this shit?

    “Man-boy motherfuckers who think learning to swing their little legs makes then invulnerable.”

    What the fuck?

    “People who sit around dwelling on what they’ll do if anyone ever tries to take their lunch money again”

    What the fuck are you talking about??

    “Grown up dipshits who walk around 80% scared all the time and like to talk about how tough they are.”

    What the fuck?

    “People who think anyone cares about their love for something as retarded as the ancient art of self defense from a country who’s biggest GDP is pussy.”

    Again…WHAT the fuck are you talking about?

    This thread….is about Muay Thai. You said that throwing kicks is for girls and midgets. Then you said that you’d kick me in the balls, so maybe you’re a female midget. I never said anything about any ancient art….YOU DID. I never said anything about loving anything. And the idea that something is “retarded” is subjective.

    You truly are a douche bag. I now know why everyone that visits this site thinks you are goat shit.
    And you really seemed to be worried about guys behind you and guys with guns….what’s that about? Is that something that you are actually wanting? Some guy to come up behind you and rape you at gunpoint? You are the one that is projecting. You are really just a weak little pissant that was probably molested and is now trying to take out his anger in life against some people that look at a website to chuckle at pictures. I’m sorry that you’ve had it rough. I feel for you. I wish there was something I could do to help you. Arguing with you back and forth on MCS isn’t going anywhere and only seems to be making you more and more angry. So…you win. I am conceding to the sheer volume of your words. I can’t read any more of your crap and you have WOW to get back to. Just know that when you go outside….to the real world….acting this way will get you nowhere….unless you’re just looking for some guy to come up behind you with a gun.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    I’m not surprised all of that went WAY over your head.


    Where’s Muay Thai from? Who is defending it? Who is bragging about his massive kicking power? Answer those and you’ll have addressed all your confusion.

    My point about the gun or guy coming up behind you was meant to illustrate the banality of thinking you’re tough because you practice some stupid little ballet-esque bullshit.

    You admit defeat? That’s nice. But you already got beat. So you’re really not admitting it so much as recognizing what’s plainly visible to anyone with half a fucking brain.

    I’ll keep this short since the idea of reading and understanding paragraphs is out of your range.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    By the way you really seem to want to dwell on man on man rape and molestation. I never said anything about that. That’s your issue. And as I said before this ain’t therapy for mongos so take it elsewhere Mr Burke.


    Hey, Man Anus….

    I never bragged about anything nor am I confused. You said that kicking was for girls and midgets…I said come see about that. I realize where Muay Thai comes from but who the fuck cares?? that has nothing to do with anything that we were talking about. Also…I never said I was tough or that wanted to fight anyone or that I’m a fighter. Although, at this point, fighting you would give me much pleasure and you great displeasure.

    Ballet-esque? Have you ever seen Muay Thai? EVER?? Ballet? Is boxing ballet-esque?

    Keep worrying about your gun guy. Let’s hope you meet him.


    You guys are all losers.

    Nobody watches martial arts films for the STORY. they watch them to see some tiny azn guy flipping around and kickin thangs.


    And I own the american version of Protector! It’s not americanized at all! Not once did I see some blonde retard woman with big tits. Or beer.


    *in feminine voice with heavy lisp*

    All this testosterone being thrown around is making my pee pee feel funny.


    No, you didn’t, but people that act the way you do usually do so because they were molested or man-raped.


    “Is boxing ballet-esque?” Yes (if you are in my class).


    damn magnus, your digging yourself into a hole here, its kinda painful watching.

    you don’t know 1 thing about any kind of fighting technique, besides ripping off ears and kicking in the groin.

    and no, only you sit around dwelling about what your going to do next time somebody tries to take your lunch money, 76% of statistics are made up on the spot.

    is that the best you got? im weak cause I live in Florida, good job. just curious to how you know us Floridans love the cubans as much as you do.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    Hey professor…act what way exactly? Everyone who sees you as the pussy little retard you are must have been raped?

    Good logic.

    Point of fact people who bring it up constantly and with reasoning were usually victims of said behavior. ie: you. Dumbass. lol

    “never said I was tough or that wanted to fight anyone or that I’m a fighter. Although, at this point, fighting you would give me much pleasure and you great displeasure.”

    Don’t assume anyone her is as stupid as you are. You know what you said and what was implied in your statements. Again the back peddling accuser is back peddling.

    And who the fuck cares about where it’s from? Holy shit dude, I’m giving reasoning as to why I don’t give a fuck about it or take it seriously. Someone get this guy a conversation tutor or some St Johns Wart or something.



    By making fun of you for being from a shit hole state and boasting about it? Like I was supposed to read Jacksonville and think….”uh oh…he must be either a mouseketeer or 80 years old!”.

    You don’t know a damn thing about reality kid. Your little fighting ‘techniques’ are a total joke. In the real world, as I’ve pointed out, you’d get fed your own nuts. You’ve probably never been punched in your life so sit down.

    And what stat? 80% of the time? That line you took to read as a real stat? Wow…you’re giving this other fucker a run for his money for tard of the day.

    What’s painful to read is anyone who posts about how tough they are or how skilled they are at fighting. Or alluding to it. You’re not tough. It’s not because you’re from Florida, but you can’t tell people you’re from Florida and expect them to think you’re tough. Get it? You need another angle to boast about.

    I feel like I’m drawing a map for you guys to lead you through this and the idiotic part is it’s a straight line.


    Is there somewhere that I can meet you for a face to face conversation?


    Douche bag.


    i never said i was tough because im in florida, i was giving you a location to find me.

    1. what is there to know? go to work, pay bills, study for school, dont drink and drive, if it feels good then its bad for you? enlighten me your reality.
    2. you dont know my fighting techniques.
    3. “In the real … own nuts” by who? you? your speculating
    4. ive been punched/kicked before, its not fun.
    5. I am sitting down.


    enlighten me to* your reality

    despite rumors

    This makes me happy 🙂

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    Sadist ^

    “Is there somewhere that I can meet you for a face to face conversation?”

    Summed up nicely. Mr tough guy claiming he’s not trying to be a tough guy. Mr bullshit. Mr internet hero. Thank you for confirming everything I’ve said about you in absolution.

    Stop posting for your own sake.

    For knogood

    . 1.what is there to know? go to work, pay bills, study for school, dont drink and drive, if it feels good then its bad for you? enlighten me your reality.

    That wasn’t even close to being a real point or series of questions. Please revise per proper English standards and reissue.

    2. you dont know my fighting techniques.
    You’re kidding right? I tell you your fighting techniques are a joke and provide reasoning that it’s because you’ll just end up getting beaten by someone no matter how much to ‘train’ and you revert to the same said techniques? Jesus Christ is this a stupid convention? Where do you people come from? Oh right… Jacksonville. The southern dandy city in the only state that couldn’t even get voting right.

    3. “In the real … own nuts” by who? you? your speculating

    I am speculating and you’re providing the proof that I’m right. Thanks.

    4. ive been punched/kicked before, its not fun. No it’s not is it. But now you have fighting techniques so you’ll be safe right? Nope. Always someone bigger and badder than you. Thanks for walking head long into that one for me.

    5. I am sitting down.

    Me too. But I meant it of course in the figurative sense of the proverbial debate where people stand to make their point(s). You don’t have one so in the symbolic sense sit down.


    okay, your right, im wrong, i now see your points are clear and valid, i see where i went astray in my ….HAHAHAHAHA , sorry couldn’t keep that up, your pathetic man. You have some serious issues that needs to be resolved before you do something dumb and reckless.

    so where do you live?


    Wow. Is this a record on comments?

    I’ve been in quite a few fights, and even won most of them, but there is no way I’d fight this guy. He’d kick my ass.

    That’s reality.


    yeah he would defiantly kick my ass, you tube him. He uses his art as a stunt fighter, cant find a video of him in a real fight. I was never impressed with stunt fighters, all staged fighters and everything is choreographed doing dumb shit you would never do in a real fight. backflip kick triple flip combo! and 4 guys fall to the floor.


    Ok so I stopped reading halfway thru but to pretty much sum it all up;
    Guns > Muay Thai,
    end of discussion.



    I’m going call it a record, 70 posts and still on front page


    Stunning…I’ve never seen so many tiny penises gathered together in one place.

    Oh…and Tony Jaa is totally lickable.


    I have read this thread through and have reached a conclusion:

    Mangus will feel all nice and smug and 2 punk for martial arts until *Mongolians* take over his country and kill his family. Then he’ll be the first angrily begging some Franciscan for shaolin training.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    It’s you’re not your you fucking twat. As in you are a fucking twat. Not your fucking twat as in the dangling meat hooks that hang on you where most men wear their penises.

    Way to shoot yourself in the foot while making your grand statement. lol

    Wisebrute stopped in for 2 seconds and lived up to his name. See the point kid? Your twinkle toes bullshit is comical and useless. One day you may find yourself on the wrong side of a gun because you thought you could round house it out of some guy’s hand. Preemptive bravo and a *golf clap* for you. Twat.

    Ciao (


    caio, the only things mongolians could take over is the skinny ass horses they ride to work making sand into mud by spittting on it. magnus and his family will be fine, at least until the mongolians can figure out how to take care of themselves.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    “okay, your right, im wrong, i now see your points are clear and valid, i see where i went astray in my ….HAHAHAHAHA , sorry couldn’t keep that up, your pathetic man. You have some serious issues that needs to be resolved before you do something dumb and reckless.

    so where do you live?”

    It’s YOU’RE you fucking retard!

    You want to sling dumb around when you can’t even get grade 3 grammar right?

    Take a deep breathe please and hold it. Forever.


    Oh god.
    I can’t believe i just read all of that pathetic childish shit.
    I’m actually embarrassed for both of you.


    your just an angry person huh? your right, it is you’re, butt know time to rite long gotta go to skool.

    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca


    Quit talking to your balls and look at the computer.


    How come you’re never funny? If you could try and be a little funny that’d be awesome. Thanks.

    PS: ninja kick


    magnus, i love you so much, you are right in every way, and so was the guy who said guns


    I think the gerbil you shoved up your ass has Lemmywinked it’s way up into your brain.

    Rosie O’Donnell knickers.

    I’ve never seen so many tiny penises gathered together in one place.

    Is there somewhere that I can meet you for a face to face conversation?

    These are some classic lines. Great thread.

    What’s up, all the time i used to check website posts here early in the dawn, for the reason that i love to learn more and more.

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