I call shenanigans. That satellite dish ain’t even remotely pointed in the right direction to be able to pick up any kind of signal. It would need more elevation, and the receiver unit more to the center of the reflecting dish. Yeah, I’m a geek.
It’s actually made of dirt … so that means it may contain cow poo. That’s how they build their houses there. That means that when the tiniest flood comes, it melts down their houses and they get new ones from the glorious state of Romania.
Looks cozy. No, seriously – as long as it has air conditioning.
But the AC would escape through the roof, dude.
Nuh uh, cold air sinks, not rises…
But where is the mains power coming from?
They have an exercise bike with a generator attached in the living room. Entertainment while you exercise! Hooray!
you should see the plasma
I call shenanigans. That satellite dish ain’t even remotely pointed in the right direction to be able to pick up any kind of signal. It would need more elevation, and the receiver unit more to the center of the reflecting dish. Yeah, I’m a geek.
It’s actually real. This is somewhere in Romania.
here’s another one : http://www.flickr.com/photos/micul_alex/432619177/
I bet half of that hut is build from cowpoo.
Only half, I saw 3/4
It’s actually made of dirt … so that means it may contain cow poo. That’s how they build their houses there. That means that when the tiniest flood comes, it melts down their houses and they get new ones from the glorious state of Romania.
how come when the peeps over here in north america built houses out of dirt they look so kick ass?
adobe ftw!
Oh the poor of Romania… Fuck food, we want TV.