The painting’s called “Der Holzfäller” (German for: the Woodcutter) painted in 1910 by a famous Swiss painter called Ferdinand Hodler.
The picture seems to have been taken in Switzerland (I found another picture with one of the Swiss Ministers sitting on the same sofa) but I couldn’t say whether it’s actually the original although it probably isn’t.
Oddly enough, the writing on the window, of which you can see the shadow, includes the word “Alkohol…”
Do it faggot
yes the world will owe you !!!!
Do it! He’s too dangerous to be left alive!
[smart arse mode on]
The painting’s called “Der Holzfäller” (German for: the Woodcutter) painted in 1910 by a famous Swiss painter called Ferdinand Hodler.
The picture seems to have been taken in Switzerland (I found another picture with one of the Swiss Ministers sitting on the same sofa) but I couldn’t say whether it’s actually the original although it probably isn’t.
Oddly enough, the writing on the window, of which you can see the shadow, includes the word “Alkohol…”
[/smart arse mode off]
Isn’t that Chavez? or have I got my club of corrupt 3rd world dictators blaming the US for all of their problems mixed up again
fag. i would throw the axe away and do it with my bare hands…