From ToyFare # 81, from left to right: Duke , Destro, Baroness, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes and Scarlett. The image represents who should, in their minds, play the characters, Viggo Mortensen as Duke, Monica Bellucchi as Baroness, and Jennifer Garner as Scarlett.
A film based on a kids cartoon? Pffft. Like that would ever happen.
I’d put Viggo more as Flint than Duke. I always though of Duke with lighter hair and a closer buzzcut.
No thanks, I enjoyed my childhood. Please leave it alone ;(
So, they can’t make it bloody and actionpacked, but if they make it light, the movie will suck. Trap of the 22.
Hollywood: Raping your childhood since Bambi 2.
There WAS a Bambi 2?! O_O
I think that if they include Cobra Commander and Baroness, there’s enough win to overlook bad writing.
As long Golobulus or Serpentor don’t show up, all should be fine. And you gotta agree that the Bellucci Baroness is fapable.
Better have Destro or I’m gonna kill some fucking babies.
it’d b kinda lame seeing no-one would die in the entire movie.
If Wizard has a say, Jennifer Garner and Monica Bellucci would be in every movie. Wizard sucks blue whale dick, and their casting choices are always limited to the teen flavors of the week. You think Viggo Mortensenâ€â€or any of the actors namedâ€â€would give two shits about a G. I. Joe movie?