Dear Mr. President
My name is Bella, I am 6 years old. I am writing you a letter to ask you to stop the war. There is too much death and children my age are dying because you lied. My mommy taught me that when things don’t go my way I need to talk things through (she calls this diplomacy) and she said that fighting is not a good way to solve our problems. Children are losing their toys, there are too many tears.
Please listen to your people and stop war.
Love Bella
(Yes, she did this all on her own)
Too bad bush only reads at a 4 year old level.
Sage this shit.
why isn’t this under cute as hell?
btw first comment! finally signed up after months of perusing images and comments.
I agree with fungus. It should be under Cute As Hell.
Also AlecDalec, nice one. 😀 Painfully obvious one but nice none the less.
Death*, Chrilden*, Dying*, Through*, Diplomacy*, Problems*, Children*, Losing*, Too*, Many*, Please*.
A six year old wrote it. Honestly.
Compared to other six year olds, Bella did an above average job on her letter. Definitely belongs in cute as hell!
Bella obviously doesn’t fully comprehend the majesty of the situation. The forigners we are killing are INSURGENTS. That means ‘baddies’. They want to take all of her precious freedoms because they are jealous of them.
She doesn’t realise that the smoking gun could have been a mushroom cloud.
Ando…dude…your not being entirely serious right?
I’d be impressed if this was a letter from a kid in the mideast. Too bad their kids don’t feel the same as this kid. It’s kinda hard to talk when your head’s been cut off.
lmao natakamus, good one.
There is nothing funnier than a Grammar Nazi that has spelling errors of his own.
Thank God, I was wondering when 6 years olds were going to stop acting like children and start worrying about shit as if their 60. Good parenting there.
stfu stupid hippy kid, learn how to write, ffing brainwashed kids
Looks like bullshit to me. She spelled children several different ways. plus the kid knows diplomacy (granted, can’t spell it) but gets stuck on “many” (i.e. meny). this seems contrived. how would a kid know bush “lide”? because that’s what her mommy told her to write.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
Spoof. Untroof.